
Mystery, Revelation, and Being with Him

June 17, 2018 • Graeme Sellers

Story-telling was one of Jesus’ preferred approaches to teaching. People would come to him with a question, and again and again Scripture captures his answer this way: “Then he told them a story…” And the people would lean in, not only with their ears but with their entire being. This is the way we find our way to the Father’s heart—we enter through his story and discover where his story meets ours

A question we have when it comes to parables: “Why not just say what you mean, God? Clearly and plainly. Why make us guess at what you mean?”

God knows, if we don’t, that story is more powerful than statements. Of course he uses statements, too, but he knows how we learn best—stories stay with us and take up residence in a way mere facts do not. There's this to consider as well: the mystery, hiddenness of parables drives us to Him for revelation and that’s what He’s after the whole time.

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