

How to NOT fall apart when you are SUFFERING.

May 9, 2024 • Lisa Laizure • Romans 5:1–5

Life is difficult. We have marriage problems. Work problems. Money problems. Health problems. But as followers of Jesus, we should look at all those things differently than someone who isn’t a Christian. This is why knowing the Bible is SO important regarding suffering because we have a different kind of hope!

AFRAID You Might NOT be a Christian? Settle That Today!

April 25, 2024 • Lisa Laizure • Romans 4

Am I really a Christian? Am I really saved? Am I really going to heaven? How do I know for sure? Those are the questions that might haunt you. You lay awake at night wondering “Am I doing enough? Am I believing the right things?” And you never feel convinced. So today let’s get the answer and settle this once and for all in your life! Join us as we continue in the book of Romans.

Trying to be a good Christian is EXHAUSTING

February 29, 2024 • Lisa Laizure • Romans 2:28—3:31

We TRY to be a good Christian. We try to read our Bible every day. We attempt to help people. We throw some money in the offering plate. But we often do those things in hopes that God will be happy with us. But is God impressed? Actually – NO! He wants us to do all those things but for a completely different reason. Join us as we talk about what that reason is in the book of Romans.

Do as I say – not as I do

February 15, 2024 • Lisa Laizure • Romans 2:21–29

Hypocrisy. We see it all around us from people claiming to be Christians who don’t actually ACT like Christians. Today we will ask this question: Are we living in such a way that people DON’T want to follow Jesus because of us? Are we saying one thing and doing another? Join us as we continue in Romans 

What Scale Does God Use To Judge Us?

Lisa Laizure • Romans 2:1–22

If you ask someone if they think they are a sinner the answer is usually yes – but I’m not THAT bad of a sinner. I’m not as good as that person but I’m way better than those other people. So does that matter to God? Actually, no. There is not a good side and bad side of a scale but there is a scale!  Join us as we continue in the book of Romans.

Homosexuality and “DO NOT JUDGE”

January 11, 2024 • Lisa Laizure • Romans 1:26–32

Judging others. Romans 1 talks about how God feels about homosexuality but are we being judgmental if we tell people what the Bible says about this lifestyle? What does Jesus mean when He says “Judge not or you will be judged?” Today we will see the root problem with living not only a homosexual lifestyle but any kind of sinful lifestyle. Join us as we continue in Romans.


December 14, 2023 • Romans 1:14–28

The culture says living a homosexual lifestyle is fine. We hear that people should be able to love whomever they want. Even some churches agree with the culture. But today in Romans we will see what God has to say about it. Join us for a really important lesson this week!

What Happens When Jesus is FIRST

November 2, 2023 • Lisa Laizure • Romans 1:1–15

What part of our life have we given to Jesus? Do we give him 1/8 of our life or 1/12th of our life? Do we give Him an hour on Sunday or Wednesday, and the rest is ours? Is He just like a piece of a pie instead of the whole pie? Today in Romans, we will see what Paul says about this, and we will see that as Christians, the Bible says Jesus has to be at the center of the entirety of our lives because if we say we are Christians, that means we are called saints and have a calling on our life. Join us today to see what that looks like.

Seven Words That Should Change Us

September 28, 2023 • Lisa Laizure • Romans 1:1

Should we take a stand against religions that teach a different way of salvation? Yes and today we are going to see how Romans changed not only one man's life but how it changed the course of Christianity as we know it. Join us today as we see how God used Romans to change lives back then and how He is doing that today as we learn from the first 7 words what it really means to be a true follower of Jesus.

Shallow Christian? Serious Christian?

September 7, 2023 • Lisa Laizure

If a baby drank a bottle of baby formula all of their life until they were 100 we would wonder – what is wrong with the baby? Why aren’t they growing up so they don’t need baby formula anymore? Now think of that as a Christian. If a Christian just drank spiritual baby milk all their life – we would wonder the same thing. Why are they not growing up in their faith? Why are they not eating spiritual solid food? New series in Romans starts today!