
Why Teaching a Pre-Trib Rapture is so DANGEROUS

Lesson 6

June 24, 2024 • Joel Richardson & Lisa Laizure

Why are pastors teaching a pre-trib rapture? Are there any verses that support this? The answer is no. Not one single verse. But why are they taking this stand instead of preparing their congregation for what is coming? Why is it dangerous for Christians to believe this? Join us today as Joel Richardson answers this question from our End Times Timeline Conference.

Here is a Link to our End Times Timeline Conference


Why Jesus CANNOT Return Yet.

June 17, 2024 • Joel Richardson & Lisa Laizure

Can Jesus return any day now? Is His return imminent? We hear pastors say to “Be ready because Jesus could show up today.” But does the bible say that? Actually no! Join us today as Joel Richardson answers this question from our End Times Timeline Conference

WHAT Is The Rapture and WHEN Will It Happen?

June 10, 2024 • Joel Richardson & Lisa Laizure

We hear a lot about the rapture. But what is it? Where is it in the Bible? What is the point of us leaving this earth and meeting Jesus in the sky? When will this happen? Before the 7 years of tribulation starts? In the middle? Toward the End? Join us today as Joel Richardson answers this question from our End Times Timeline Conference

Why a Temple HAS To Be Built Before Jesus Returns

June 3, 2024 • Joel Richardson & Lisa Laizure

People think Jesus can come back anytime but the Bible doesn’t say that. Certain things have to be in place before He returns like a Temple in Jerusalem has to be built. But why is this a prerequisite to the return of Jesus? Jesus tells us the reason in Matthew 24. Join us today as Joel Richardson answers this question from our End Times Timeline Conference. Here is a Link to our End Times Timeline Conference https://womensbiblestudy.com/category/end-times-conference