
Fulfilled Prophecies Show Us the Bible is True

Lesson 2

May 30, 2024 • Joel Richardson & Lisa Laizure

Jesus. The Bible is all about Him. The Bible has prophesied His coming all that way back in Genesis. We are told what He will do to Satan. We are told what tribe He would come from. We see genealogies in Matthew that prove the Bible is 100% accurate. So, if that is true – we need to take the Bible seriously because it is prophesied that Jesus will come back again to set this world right. Join us today as Joel Richardson explains why prophecy is a great way to share our faith.

Are you hearing the truth about End Times?

June 27, 2024 • Joel Richardson & Lisa Laizure

We all have favorite pastors or teachers who we trust that they know what they are talking about when it comes to End Times. But what if they are wrong? Would you ever know? Have you ever studied End Times for yourself? Join us today to see what Joel Richardson says about this  along with talking about why there is this everlasting hatred of the Jews and why that is prophecy being fulfilled.

Why is PROPHECY Difficult to Understand?

June 20, 2024 • Joel Richardson & Lisa Laizure

When we read a prophecy in the Bible it might not make sense because sometimes it is meant for that specific time period but it can also be for a future time period. Today Joel Richardson will give his thoughts on this and what we can do to make this easier.

The Nations Rage. God Laughs.

June 13, 2024 • Joel Richardson & Lisa Laizure

Almost 3000 years ago it was prophesied in Psalms that Jesus would come back to rule and reign on this earth. When that happens there will be peace. But for now, there isn’t peace on this earth. There is turmoil. There is injustice. The nations rage against each other. But someday everything will change. Join us as Joel Richardson helps us understand why this prophecy is coming true today.