

Sermon & Study Guide

October 25, 2020 • Mike Franz

In this message Mike will unpack what practical things we can do to enter into worship.

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Spirit & Truth

November 8, 2020 • Luke Hildebrand

We tend to think of worship as praising God in a few specific ways, in specific places, at specific times. But Jesus and Paul shatter this understanding of worship, pointing out that God wants followers who will worship Him “in Spirit and truth.” What does this mean, and how is it tied into a message the Israelite prophets had been saying hundreds of years before?


November 1, 2020 • Terry Dueck

The Bible teaches over and over again that God uses authentic worship in powerful ways to draw people to him and have their lives changed. This week we learn about the power of worship!


October 18, 2020 • Terry Dueck

What is worship, and what happens when we encounter the very presence of God? This week we explore the heart of worship and what happens to us and in us when we encounter God.