
Filling & Grieving

Sermon & Study Guide

May 30, 2021 • Luke Hildebrand

There’s a lot of “spiritual” language in the Bible, so much that it can be confusing. What does it mean to be filled with the Spirit? What does it mean to grieve the Spirit? How does my spirit relate to the Holy Spirit? This Sunday, we’ll look at the Holy Spirit from the perspective of the ancient Hebrews, and learn about the relationship between our spirit and God’s Spirit.

Spirit of Truth

June 20, 2021 • Mike Franz

It’s comprised of 66 books written over 1,500 years by 40 authors on 3 different continents and in 3 languages. Can you guess the book? You got it, it’s the Bible! The Holy Spirit speaks to us in our thoughts, through other people, in visions and dreams, and many other ways. This Sunday we’re going to show you how the Holy Spirit speaks to us through the Word.


June 13, 2021 • Terry Dueck

Acts 15:28 - "It seemed good to the Holy Spirit and to us..." The Holy Spirit speaks at least thirty-six times at various places throughout the letter of Acts but there is no "standard" way in which he does so, and typically Luke does not tell us how he spoke, just that he did. Has someone ever said to you "I heard God speak" or have you ever felt that in your spirit? This Sunday we're going to equip you with some principles and practices on being led by the Holy Spirit.


June 6, 2021 • Terry Dueck

Have you felt empowered this week? God wants his people to have His power and is willing to pour it out on all who ask. Yet, I think most of us feel this tension, this gap between what we read and see happen in the Bible, and what we experience in life. Let’s talk about that. This week we explore our commissioning to be empowered by the Holy Spirit to be his witnesses.