Evangelism Tools for Christians Witnessing to Mormons and Jehovah's Witnesses
Keith Walker Talks to Jehovah's Witnesses At Their Memorial
Jehovah's Witnesses celebrate only one holiday, Nisan 14 or the Memorial of Jesus' death. It's the closest thing to Easter, where they remember the night that he held a meal with his disciples right before he died. This "memorial" meeting is a solemn night where nearly anyone who claims to be a Jehovah's Witnesses shows up, dressed in elegant clothes, to hear a talk about the reason Jesus came to die and to pass the emblems of bread and wine to each other with hardly anyone partaking of the food. The reason most Jehovah's Witnesses do not partake of the emblems is that they are told that only a select group of Jehovah's Witnesses, only 144,000, are worthy enough to partake. This two class system of the "Anointed" 144,000 and the "Other Sheep" other Jehovah's Witnesses keep most trapped in a system that denies Jesus' mediatorship to vast majority of Jehovah's Witnesses because they are told they can't qualify to be in the New Covenant directly and must let the emblems pass without partaking. In this video, Keith Walker of http://evidenceministries.org explains his experience attending Memorial as a Christian who believes he is in the New Covenant of Christ. Learn more at: IS THE NEW COVENANT ONLY FOR A GROUP OF 144,000 PEOPLE? —15 Questions to Ask Jehovah’s Witnesses on the 144,000 and the Great Crowd
How to Protect Your Neighborhood from JWs & LDS
Christina R Darlington
Discussing the deception of Jehovah's Witness and Mormon doctrines can be difficult to do with your neighbors in our post-modern culture that tends to view religious contentions as old-fashioned bigotry. Yet Scripture instructs Christian believers to stand up for truth and "Preach the Word" even when it is "out of season", or inconvenient (2 Tim. 4:2). One way you can easily share your faith and warn your neighbors of the aberrant views of Jehovah's Witnesses and Mormons is to distribute our free door-hanger "Protect Your Neighborhood" packets which include not only a contrast list of the doctrinal differences between their teachings and the Bible's teachings, but also provides a simple gospel tract for spiritual truth seekers. And in this packet, we have also included our popular "No Visits by Jehovah's Witnesses or Mormons" stickers that even your most anti-religious neighbors will appreciate. You can download this packet from our http://4witness.org website, under the "Protect Your Neighborhood" link.
Cult Evangelism - 3 Questions to Ask on the Gospel
August 3, 2019 • Christina R Darlington
The Bible teaches that Jesus as the “Son of God” is God the Son (John 19:7). Being the “Son of Man” (John 6:62), He is 100% human. Being the “Son of God,” He is 100% God (John 5:18). Being “Almighty” God (Revelation 1:7-8), Jesus can have no “equal” God beside Him (Isaiah 46:9; 44:6, 24; John 1:1-3). Yet, cults reduce Christ to a created creature, calling Jesus a secondary “godlike” being.
John 5:18: “For this reason therefore the Jews were seeking all the more to kill Him, because He …was calling God His own Father, making Himself equal with God.” (NASB)
Philippians 2:5-7: “…have the same mindset as Christ Jesus: Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage; rather, he made himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness.” (NIV)
Colossians 2:9: “For in Him all the fullness of Deity dwells in bodily form.” (NASB)
1 Peter 2:24: “…He Himself bore our sins in His body ….” (NASB)
What did Jesus bear “in” His own body? (“Our sins”) What sins are those? What does the word “bore” mean? (To carry) Where did Jesus carry “our sins”? (In His Body) Can you see why the Bible teaches that our personal sins put Jesus to death?
Did Jesus pay for ALL of our personal sins, or are there sins that we can commit that He didn’t pay for which would cause us to lose eternal life?
Is Jesus sufficient for our salvation, or is He just a necessary step? If He is sufficient, why do we need to add our works for salvation?
Jesus has the “authority” to forgive sins (Mark 2:7, 10-11) and give eternal life (John 10:28). Therefore we must “come” to Jesus (John 5:39-40; 6:45) in prayer (John 14:14; 1 Cor. 1:2, 9; Acts 7:59; 2 Cor. 12:8-9), asking Him to give us His righteousness in exchange for our sin (Phil. 3:9). If we do not give Jesus the same “honor” and “worship” we give the Father (Rev. 5:11-14), we do “not honor” the Father (John 5:23).
John 14:14: “If you ask Me anything in My name, I will do it.” (NASB) Jesus must be greater than a created angel because He both receives prayer and answers prayer.
NOTE: You can use the Jehovah’s Witness Kingdom Interlinear Translation of John 14:14 (photocopy on the back) to show how the Jehovah’s Witness New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures (NWT) leaves off the first “Me” in the passage to read: “If you ask anything in my name, I will do it” instead of “ask Me.”
John 5:23: “So that all may honor the Son just as they honor the Father. Whoever does not honor the Son does not honor the Father who sent him.” (NWT)
Revelation 5:13-14: “ ‘…To the One sitting on the throne and to the Lamb be the blessing and the honor and the glory and the might forever and ever.’ The four living creatures were saying: ‘Amen!’ and the elders fell down and worshiped.” (NWT)
Christian Conversations with Jehovah's Witnesses
Christina R. (Harvey) Darlington
Did you know that in support of its New World Translation Bible, the Watchtower Society cited a bible translation that was inspired by demons? Did you know that in 1934, Jehovah's Witnesses published a letter endorsing the "position" of Nazi Germany against the Jews under Hitler's regime? Did you know that the 1975 failed Jehovah's Witness prophecy was hyped from top leadership within the Watchtower organization and not from the lower level rank and file "brothers"? Are you aware that the very arguments that Jehovah's Witnesses use to condemn blood transfusions can actually be used to support transfusions? Are you entitled to know the truth?
This book and video reviews the secret cover-ups and manipulation techniques that the Watchtower Society evokes upon its membership in order to keep them in the dark about its true history and deceptive doctrines. Based upon real conversations the author (Christina Harvey Darlington) has had with Jehovah's Witnesses and presented in dialogue format, this book is designed to undercut Watchtower doctrine with the truth of the Bible and the facts of history.
Facts the Watchtower Society Doesn't Want You to Know
Christina R. (Harvey) Darlington
TO PURCHASE THIS BOOK GO TO http://amazon.com - https://www.amazon.com/documented-facts-watchtower-society-doesnt/dp/1479193917/
This is a review of Christina Darlington's book "Documented Facts the Watchtower Society Doesn't Want You to Know". Here you will see some of the original rare Watchtower publications that were used in producing the photocopied documentation for this book and I discuss how you can use this in talking to Jehovah's Witnesses.
The Cult Dynamic
Christy (Harvey) Darlington
* What is the difference between a false “Christian” cult and a heretical movement?
* How do cults control the minds of their followers?
* What can you say to help someone leaving a cult?
This training session was presented to Christians who were learning how to reach their loved ones involved in a variety of cults. The mind control techniques discussed in this presentation are based upon the research of secular cult-exit counselor Steven Hassan who wrote the book, "Combatting Cult Mind Control," and Robert Jay Lifton who wrote the book, "Thought Reform and the Psychology of Totalism – A Study of “Brainwashing” in China."
Effective Methods Jehovah's Witnesses
Arnold Hoffman
Note that not every Jehovah’s Witness today makes as big of an issue over the “personal sins” point that Hoffman said they do in his presentation. Hoffman gave this presentation over 20 years ago and there is more emphasis on Jesus in the Watchtower literature today than there was several years ago. So while it is important to draw the connection between personal sins and Jesus’ death, don’t let it throw you off-guard if the Jehovah’s Witness you are speaking to does not react to this part of your presentation, like they did when Hoffman was witnessing to them years ago. Just continue to move on to the part about dealing directly with Jesus in prayer for salvation, and use the verses in the handout link to lead them to Jesus in prayer.
Frustrated with Jehovah's Witnesses
Christy (Harvey) Darlington
If you are like most Christians, the idea of debating with a Jehovah’s Witness on the essential doctrines of the Christian faith makes you think of a head-banging experience in which you hit a “brick” wall with no hopes of getting through. How do you penetrate the mental “block” that Jehovah’s Witnesses erect the moment you say you are a “Bible-believing Christian”? How do you avoid the “bible-ping pong” experiences so common in Scriptural based discussions with Jehovah’s Witnesses? How do you overcome the common feelings of inadequacy that so often arise when the Jehovah’s Witness seems to have an argument for every point you make in a discussion? What questions can you ask that will challenge the Jehovah’s Witness without creating an argument? Discover quick conversation opener questions and discussion tips you can use as you witness to Jehovah’s Witnesses.
The Impossible Gospel of Mormonism
Keith Walker of Evidence Ministries
Keith Walker of Evidence Ministries presents to Christians witnessing at the Mormon Manti Pageant a simple approach to getting Mormons lost by their own law and then leading to recognize the sufficiency of Christ.
Answering Mormon Objections
Christy Darlington and Rob Butterfield
If you are like most Christians, the idea of debating with a Mormon on the essential doctrines of the Christian faith is intimidating as Mormons are quick to claim that they are “Christians” just like you! How do you penetrate the mental “block” that Mormons erect against your criticism of the Mormon Church? Learn how to prepare for the common objections that Mormons raise against standard Christian arguments. This training session was given in Utah and presented to Christians who were learning how to share their faith with Mormons on the streets.
Discussing Trinity with Mormons
Christy (Harvey) Darlington
* What does Mormonism teach about the Godhead?
* Do Mormons believe in three separate Gods?
* If Jesus is the Son of God, how can He be the same God as the Father?
The Trinity can be a difficult subject for any Christian to explain and defend, especially when talking with Mormons who use Christian terms but re-define the concepts behind the terms. The fundamental issue is: Who is Jesus? If you have Jesus wrong, everything else is wrong in your faith. Listen as Christy discusses the differences between the Mormon view of the Godhead and the Biblical view of the Trinity. Topics Covered include:
* The Definition of the Trinity
* Why the Trinity Doctrine is Important
* The Biblical Basis for the Trinity
* 3 Distortions of the Trinity Doctrine
* The Formation of the Historic Christian Creeds concerning the Trinity
Learn How to Prove the Trinity from Biblical and Mormon Scripture.