
Book of Mormon Jesus - Where Was He in America?

October 1, 2023 • Bob Pilch, Christy Darlington

Mormons claim that after Jesus resurrected from the dead in Israel, he traveled to American and setup his church in America (3 Nephi), yet we can't find a single evidence of his visit in America? Where are the Nephites he allegedly ordained with priesthood authority He promised would live forever (3 Nephi 28)? Where is the apostle John (D&C 7) who was supposed to never die? Where is the archeological inscriptions that "Jesus was here" like the ones we find in Israel?

In this interview where a Mormon interviewed us Christians on the street during the Mormon General Conference of October 2023, we responded to the question of what we think of the Book of Mormon claims regarding apostacy and restoration. We explained that not only is the archaeological evidence lacking for Jesus visiting the Americas and planting His church here (3 Nephi), but if Mormonism's teachings are true that the 3 Nephites who Jesus ordained here lived forever, then there was no need for a restoration as the priesthood authority because it was never lost from the earth.