The Mormon Church tries hard to deny the fact that the Book of Mormon teaches that most of the Native Americans descended from ancient Israelites. The reason for this is due to DNA studies that point to an Asian origin for these people groups instead of a Hebrew one. This has created huge problems for the Church, so they now try to discount the evidence by denying the fact that the Book of Mormon claims that “this land” was “kept … from the knowledge of other nations” (2 Nephi 1:8). If other nations were prevented from inhabiting America prior to the migration of the Book of Mormon people, how could DNA evidence for a Hebrew origin be so lacking in the genetic record of the Native Americans? Is the Book of Mormon wrong?
History shows Joseph Smith’s Book of Mormon, published in 1830, was not the only book to espouse a Hebrew origin for the Native Americans. View of the Hebrews, espoused as a non-fiction book but is fiction, also did as well and it was published before Joseph Smith claimed to have received the gold plates for the Book of Mormon. Could it be that Joseph Smith got his ideas from that book?