
Is the Book of Mormon Racist?

Mainstream Mormonism's Questions for Mormons

QUESTION FOR MORMONS: Is the Book of Mormon Racist? Is Black Skin a "Curse" from God in Mormonism? Mormons often challenge potential converts to the Mormon Church to "pray" and "read" the Book of Mormon in order to gain a testimony of it's truthfulness. Yet, the Book of Mormon is one of the most racist "Scriptures" of Mormonism, teaching that Black Skin is a curse from God for wickedness and white skin for righteousness. This teaching is opposed to the God of the Bible who shows no favoritism and regards all people, both black and white as equal. This video is taken from the Mainstream Mormonism Radio Program entitled, "Race in the Mormon Church – Past Mormon Leaders told “Nigger” Jokes at Conference." You can listen to this show at LeeBaker.4Mormon.org.