Have you ever read the Book of Mormon? Did you know that even the version of the Book of Mormon that is in print today, and given away by the Mormon Missionaries, is the most racist set of Scriptures of any religion in the world?
Hundreds of Mormons have never really read the Book of Mormon which is a bit strange, because the Book of Mormon claims to be the very foundation of the Mormon faith. The Book of Mormon clearly states, several times, that black skin is a curse from God. Yet the Bible teaches in John 3:16 that God so loved the world…not just the people with white skin.
The Book of Mormon tells of a violent struggle between two groups of people somewhere in South, Central or North America. In the Book of Mormon story, the good, hard-working people are white and the violent and lazy group are black.
2 Nephi 30:6, in the Book of Mormon, claims that if the bad black people repent, then they too will become white like the good people. The current Book of Mormon warns both groups of people that they should not “mix” their seed between the blacks and whites or God will curse them.
Since our ministry works with many former members of the Mormon Church, we know very well that most Mormons are not racist. Yet, in over 180 years of changing many other parts of the Book of Mormon, the Mormon leadership still prints and reprints 35 remarkably racist statements found in the current Book of Mormon. Past Mormon leaders have taught that the black race was permitted to come through the Great Flood and remain on earth to represent “the devil”.[1]
We have worked very closely with several black communities around the world, and we are just astonished, that any person of color would join the Mormon Church.
We are equally amazed and stunned that any white Mormon would continue to endorse, admire or much less teach from the Book of Mormon. The Book of Mormon is wrong. Black skin is not now and never was a curse from God. The plague of racism and bigotry may be promoted within the Book of Mormon, but it is not found in the Bible.
[1] John Taylor, Journal of Discourses, vol. 22, pp. 303-304 (below).
MG-02 - Is Black Skin a Curse in the Book of Mormon?
Christina R Darlington
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Misguided by Mormonism