
Does the Book of Mormon Teach the Bible was Preserved in Purity?

QUESTION FOR MORMONS: "Does the Book of Mormon Teach that the Bible was Preserved in Purity?" The foundation of the Mormon claim to "restore" Christianity is based up the assertion that the Biblical text was corrupted through careless translators. Thus Joseph Smith, the founder of Mormonism, claimed that the unique doctrines he was teaching, were simply "restored" truths that he received through the development of a brand new set of Scriptures. Since God promised that His Words would endure forever (Isaiah 40:8), and since Jesus likewise guaranteed that His Word would never pass away (Matthew 24:35), Mormonism makes Jesus a liar and God a promise-breaker when it claims the Bible has been corrupted. Not only does biblical scripture and history prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that Scripture accuracy has been preserved, the Book of Mormon itself claims that at least until the formation of the Catholic Church (in the 4th century), the Biblical text was preserved "in purity." All of these invalidate Joseph Smith's concocted version of so-called "Mormon Christianity" and the need for an alleged "restoration" of so many un-biblical beliefs and practices. This video is taken from the Mainstream Mormonism Radio Program entitled, “Teaching Mormons from the Book of Mormon” You can listen to this show at LeeBaker.4Mormon.org.