
Where did the Book of Abraham Come from?

QUESTION FOR MORMONS: Where did the Book of Abraham come from if "none" of the characters in Joseph Smith's papyrus fragments and "neither the rules nor the translations given by Joseph Smith" in his Egyptian "grammar" book correspond to legitimate "translations" of Egyptian text today? Did Joseph Smith simply make the whole Book of Abraham up? What would Mormonism look like today if the non-christian beliefs found in the Book of Abraham were removed from the doctrine of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints? Just as Egyptologist admit that "none of the characters" in the the papyrus fragments match the translation given by Joseph Smith when he created the Book of Abraham, they have likewise examined the "grammar" that Joseph Smith created for the Egyptian language; only to discover that "Neither the rules nor the translations in the grammar book correspond to those recognized by Egyptologists today." (Translation and Historicity of the Book of Abraham at lds.org). This video is taken from the Mainstream Mormonism Radio Program entitled, “Mormonism Without the Book of Abraham” You can listen to this show at LeeBaker.4Mormon.org.