
Thanksgiving Circles of Grace

Hurting to Healing with Melissa

November 24, 2014 • Melissa Bramer

When shame is spoken it is broken... Sometimes we have to get to a place of admitting that we are in pain, admitting that we hurt and once we do that, we can start the process of healing...

You have to stop denying the pain. You have to get to a point where the pain is greater than your fear. When that pain hurts more than the fear of what that person will think, or what they will say or how they will react when they find out... that is when change will begin...
It is only when your pain is greater than that fear that is keeping you bound to secrecy, that you can begin to move out of that fear and invite God to transform your mind and your heart.

It's not an easy process, but there will be times you're going to triumph and experience pure joy in the freedom of seeing those emotional chains fall off. Then you can say, you're in better hands now.

Learn more at: www.4witness.org/thanksgiving-spe…ng-with-melissa/

Hurting to Healing with Melissa - I am for you

Melissa Bramer

Former Jehovah’s Witness Melissa is passionate about seeing former Jehovah’s Witnesses come out of “limbo” and take a stand for Christ. Melissa will encourage you to respond to God’s desire to transform your mind, heart, and life. She will challenge you to move forward into true and complete healing through Jesus Christ. Melissa wants to see you overcome and triumph past your heartaches and setbacks. A word from Melissa: “I can’t wait for you to experience a life of complete healing in and through Jesus Christ, know that you are in my prayers.” Now let’s get talking! http://www.genesis5020ministry.org ~Responding~Transforming~ Revealing~Testing

You're One in a Million

December 2, 2014

Former Jehovah's Witness Melissa is passionate about seeing former Jehovah's Witnesses come out of "limbo" and take a stand for Christ. Melissa will encourage you to respond to God's desire to transform your mind, heart, and life. She will challenge you to move forward into true and complete healing through Jesus Christ. Melissa wants to see you overcome and triumph past your heartaches and setbacks. A minute with Melissa: "I would of never thought in a million years that this would be God's plan for my life. But through obedience and sacrifice I have experienced some ot the greatest joys life has to offer. I can't wait for you to experience a life of complete healing in and through Jesus Christ, know that you are in my prayers." Learn more at: http://www.4witness.org/youre-one-in-a-million/

Did I Really Leave Jehovah? - Wounded Session 1 of 5

Often when people leave the Jehovah's Witness religion, they ask themselves the question: "Did I Really Leave Jehovah?" ~ Is the pursuit of truth really worth it or not to you? Settle the question "Did I Really Leave Jehovah" once and for all in your heart and mind. "The most valuable thing in the world is the truth; so valuable that it has often been barricaded by a bodyguard of lies." ~Winston Churchill Learn more at: https://www.4witness.org/wounded-session-1-did-i-really-leave-jehovah/