
Resurrection Reset Day 5: The Lord's Supper

April 14, 2022

🍞 🍇 Day 5 Resurrection Reset
Join us this evening for day 5 of Resurrection Reset at 6:30. Believers will remember & receive the Lord’s Supper on this day before Good Friday.

If you missed day 4 of Resurrection Reset, we focused on the intense teaching of Jesus during His last week before going to the cross. Jesus challenged us to be ready for His return that may happen at any moment! We had a time of interactive prayer as we walked through the steps for repentance and revival that always begins and ends with truth. Prepare your heart and soul to receive the Lord’s Supper this evening (I Corinthians 11:17-34). We look forward to worshipping our Savior together as a family this evening and each evening this week.