
Filled XII - "The Call of God"


October 20, 2018 • Paul Barnard

Filled XII “The Call of God”

Filled XII -“Hearing the Call of God in your Life”

*Act 13:2* While they were worshiping the Lord and fasting, the Holy Spirit said, “Set apart for me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them.” *Act 13:3* Then after fasting and praying they laid their hands on them and sent them off.

There is a difference in a command and a call. A call is always a command but a command is not always a call.

*How do you know the difference?*

*Command is based off of instruction and conviction*
-The Bible Says
-The Spirit Says

* Example - command- Christian father is not a set part thing

Every body deals with purpose. What am I here? What am I suppose to do? We can’t use the commands of God to justify not answering the call of God.

*Call will come out of your relationship with God*
-“Worshipping and Fasting”- The closer you are to God, the more clearly you can hear Him
-You have to make sure there is no static on the line (sin)
-You have to have a dedicated prayer life

*Call will be unique to your gifts and passions*
-“set apart for me Paul and Barnabus -Spiritual gifts, if you are a believer, are in your life (ask someone what they think yours are)
-What are you passionate about (what draws you to it or what dilemma do you notice the most)

*Call will be affirmed by other believers *
-Licensing, ordination and accountability
-Have believers in your life that will tell you the truth
-Trust the Sprint of God in others, but be discerning


*How do you answer the call of God? *

1. Trust God in your life
2. Personal inventory
3. Seek wise counsel

Understand that a call is not an option but a command and not answering that call will create discomfort

Life Group Questions:

1. According to the description Bro. Paul gave (prayer, fasting, worship, and repentance), how is your relationship with God?
2. What are your spiritual gifts? (What do others think your spiritual gifts are?)
3. What are you passionate about?
4. How can your spiritual gifts be used to work towards your passions?
5. Are you willing to step out and allow God to do what only He can do through you?
6. How can our life group help you in your calling?