
Serve Your Server!

January 22, 2024 • Paul Looney, MD

When you eat out, make it a habit to pray before you eat AND ask your server if they have anything they would like for you to pray for them or someone they love when you pray for your food. Most will be grateful and some will be deeply moved by your love and concern. God sends us into the world to serve, just as Jesus came not to be served, but to serve. And leave a good tip! Make sure your waiter know that faith and generosity go hand in hand.

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An apology, a confession, and a prayer request

September 29, 2023 • Paul Looney, MD • Ephesians 3:20

I have been almost completely absent from my mobile app since early July, partly due to a massive stroke suffered by my dear friend and colleague, Jon Sneed. Although his survival was miraculous, his loss of ability to communicate still needs profound and miraculous intervention. That event, coupled with some serious family issues and the ongoing saga of Covid-19, have left me in a significant funk. It helps me see how depression can take you down even when there is much to be grateful for. Please pray for my buddy, Jon Sneed, that he would regain language function, and pray for me that God will provide the focus, the energy, and the discipline to do the work for which He has made me. Again, I apologize for my lack of activity. I finally decided I just needed to speak authentically and share my struggle and my heart.