
I'm with Him!

Being Jesus' Friend is What it is all About

Dr Paul Looney

Love and the Law

Paul Looney, MD • Deuteronomy 6:4–6

What motivates you? Are extrinsically or intrinsically motivated? For God, it has always been about love. Though He gave rewards for obedience and negative consequences for disregard of the law, His first desire was that we love Him with our hearts, souls, and bodies. The rewards and punishments can get us on a good path, but mature people do right because they grow in loving God, self, and others.

Milk and Honey!

Paul Looney, MD • Exodus 3:8, Song of Songs 4:11, Song of Songs 5:1, Genesis 12:1

God wants us to enjoy His provision. He calls us to a place of beauty and sweetness. Like Abraham, we must trust him and step out into the unknown to find our promised land. Like the Israelites, we must at times be prepared to fight for what is ours. But it is worth it. Milk and honey are symbols of fecundity and bounty. They reflect on the intimate connection God wants us to enjoy in marriage and with Him. Milk and honey reflect God's desire to provide for us just what we need when we need it. Milk is good for infants, but honey can cause botulism and should not be given to children under a year of age. In contrast, while milk may not always be good for adults, adults are able to enjoy the sweetness of sexual connection with a "Honey!" God wants you to do more than survive. He wants you to thrive!

Sow the Seed!

August 5, 2022

Jesus tells of a sower who went out to sow. Is there intention in your life. Are you being faithful to give out of what you have? Don't be as I have been, waiting for the right conditions to guarantee a harvest. Whatever you have, give it when God gives opportunity!