
Set In The Right Direction

May 20, 2024 • Brock Tharpe

More from 1 John

Be More Like Your Mom and Less Like the Antichrist

May 13, 2024 • Cody Zimmerman • Romans 15:1–5, Matthew 24:12, Colossians 3:12–13, 1 John 2:18–22, 2 Thessalonians 2:3–4

Entitlement, bitterness, cynicism, and resentment threaten every relationship we have. We have all been placed among people who we are called to love sacrificially, but the reality is that there are times when we feel like we are pouring out more of ourselves than we are getting back from others, and that can lead us to become bitter. It can tempt us to draw back from those God has placed in our lives for a reason. We could all stand to learn a little from the great mothers of the world in that way, because while every other relationship seems to be threatened by one party sacrificing more than their fair share, the constant sacrifices that mothers make for their kids actually cause them to love their kids more; not less. As we pick up our series through 1 John on this Mothers' Day, Cody reminds us that the danger of going from being part of Christ's Kingdom, to being anti-Christ, begins with the urge to grow bitter and pull away from the people God has called you to love when things get hard. The mark of a true citizen of the Kingdom of Heaven, however, is steadfastness, consistency, and the ability to bear with our brothers and sisters in love.

Love One Another

April 29, 2024 • Colby Dorcely • 1 John 4:7–12

What is the difference between knowing about God and knowing God? Although it is a small letter, 1 John is packed full of ideas that have incredibly vast implications for what we believe and how we live. Three of the main themes covered in the letter are: sound doctrine about who Jesus is, obedience to his commands, and love. All three of these themes work together to give a full picture of what it looks like to genuinely know God through Jesus. As we have gone through the first two chapters verse-by-verse, we have seen much of John's writing about the first two of these themes: sound doctrine and obedience. In Colby's message this week, we take a short detour from where we left off in 1 John and skip to chapter four, to touch on the last of the three major themes of the letter: love. In 1 John 4 we receive the command to love one another, and the author elaborates that anyone who does not love does not know God, because God is love. But what exactly does it mean that God is love? And how does that inform the way that we love our brothers and sisters?

The Song of the Redeemed

April 22, 2024 • Brock Tharpe • 1 John 2:12–14, Isaiah 43:6–7, Romans 3:23, 1 Peter 3:18, 2 Corinthians 5:21

There is a song of worship that even the angels cannot sing. Just think about that for a second. We see references to it throughout the Bible, and it has come to be referred to as "the Song of the Redeemed." The angels can't sing it is because they have never been rescued like we have— they have never tasted separation from God, and the hopelessness that comes with it. And likewise, they have never experienced the life-altering grace and kindness and rescue that was made possible through the work of Jesus. And because redemption is not a part of their story, they cannot join in the Song of the Redeemed. Verses 12-14 of 1 John chapter 2 are markedly different from any other verses in the letter. They are written in the form of poetry, mimicking a song or a dance. After spending the majority of chapter 2 warning against hypocrisy, the author shifts and affirms the authenticity of his listeners' faith— almost like he is reminding them of their redemption and is encouraging them to once again sing out in the song of the redeemed. In this message, Brock gives a powerful presentation of the Gospel, and invites us all to learn the song of our redemption, and to join in the great symphony of God's redeemed.