
The Missionary Pathway Experience

MPE 8: Where do we Go From Here

January 28, 2023

Pastor James shares with Pastor Matt how he got connected with the Missionary Pathway and the two of them discuss some next steps for learning more about the Missionary Pathway and how to make disciples as we go about our everyday lives wherever God has placed us.

MPE 7: How to Engage with the Community

January 28, 2023

Having listened to our community first, we are then ready to engage with it. Pastor Matt teaches about ways that we can do this with a focus on the Person of Peace and using BLESS Rhythms.

MPE 6: Listening to the Community

January 28, 2023

We cannot engage with our community without first listening to it. In this episode, Pastor Matt shares how we can do that.

MPE 5: How Someone Comes to Faith

January 28, 2023

Based on what we have seen Billy Graham or others do, we may think that evangelism is only about getting people across the finish line of faith. If we are not gifted evangelists, we then may think that there is no place for us in God’s work of making disciples. But the process of coming to faith involves several steps along with way. Each step is important and there is a role for each of us, regardless of how God has gifted or wired us, to help someone else move forward one step in the journey from a negative ten to a person of peace.

MPE 4: The Power of the Everyday Believer

January 28, 2023

What can an ordinary, everyday believer in Jesus do to reach others for Jesus? They can actually do a lot of things that professional church workers cannot do and this has been part of God’s plan from the beginning. With biblical and contemporary examples, Pastor Matt shows us how.

MPE 3: Discovery Bible Study

January 28, 2023

Pastor Matt shares a very simple, but powerful way to do Bible Study which anyone can do anywhere with anyone who is willing.

MPE 2: Your Oikos Prayer Map

January 27, 2023

We might think that we do not know many people who do not yet know Jesus. But when we create our own Oikos Prayer Map, we will discover that we are surrounded by people who we can pray for and love and perhaps one day share the Gospel with.

MPE 1: Magnet vs Missional

January 27, 2023

Pastor Matt shows us how thinking about the Christian Church in a new way can help us to reach more people for Jesus.