
Life With God

Life With God 4: Life With Love

June 30, 2019

We could be the most gifted, knowledgeable, faithful, sacrificial person around, but if we don’t have love, it all amounts to nothing. It is through a Life With God that we experience what love is really like.

Life With God 3: Life With Hope

June 23, 2019

We live in a world where chaos can erupt from surprising sources and change our lives forever. But the Good News is that Jesus came into this world to bring us a hope that is stronger than the chaos around us and in us.

Life With God 2: Life With Faith

June 16, 2019

Human beings frequently use religion to try to gain control as a response to their fears. A religious posture like this is actually faith in ourselves and our abilities. But Life With God points to a different kind of faith where we let go of faith in ourselves and trust in God’s skill and faithfulness to give us a safe landing in the end.

Life With God 1: How Do We Relate to God?

June 2, 2019

In an effort to deal with our fears by trying to gain control, humans often resort to religious postures of relating to God where our activity is the basis for us trying to get what we want from God. But God invites us to relate with based on relationship, and as we treasure, unite with and experience communion with God, we will experience the rich and satisfying life that Jesus came to give to us.