
God-breathed - Series 2

God-breathed 34: Honoring God with Our Bodies

August 27, 2023

A lot of the challenging issues in our society these days, such as sexuality, gender, and abortion, pertain to the human body and who controls what we do with our bodies. Is it the government or the individual? A common response is to say, “It’s my body and I can do whatever I want with it!” As we look at Paul’s first letter to the Corinthians, we will see that this isn’t even the right question to ask or the right answer to give. God thinks more highly of us and our bodies than we do, and through Jesus, he has made it possible for our bodies to serve a much higher purpose. (Based on 1 Cor. 6:12-20.)

God-breathed 33: True Acceptance in Christ

August 20, 2023

With all the challenges we face, it is easy for us to become discouraged and cynical about life. Our hearts are empty, and we have no use for other people, unless they can give us what we need. But Jesus gives us the endurance and encouragement we need to keep moving forward in this challenging world. He makes sure that all our needs are met and his love fills our hearts to over-flowing. Fully loved and cared for by Jesus, we are able to be truly selfless and love and accept others just as Jesus has loved and accepted us. (Based on Romans 15:1-13.)

God-breathed 32: Journeying with Jesus: Scripture & Communion

August 13, 2023

Central to the Christian journey is the faithful reading of Scripture and fellowship with Jesus and his followers. This is vividly illustrated in the dramatic encounter between two disciples and the risen Jesus on the road from Jerusalem to Emmaus (Luke 24:13-35). The disciples recognize who Jesus is, and are able to proclaim the gospel, only after he explains Scripture in relation to himself and when they share a meal in communion together.

God-breathed 31: Justified Through Faith

August 6, 2023

We humans inherently try to justify ourselves on the basis of what we do, who we are, or what we have. But none of those human-centered approaches work. Thankfully, because of his own goodness and love, God has reconciled himself to us by sending Jesus to pay the full cost of humanity's forgiveness for our sins and give us his righteousness in return. Therefore, we abandon our efforts to justify ourselves and, freed from that fruitless burden, live in the peace and joy of a reconciled life with God. (Based on Romans 5:1-11.)

God-breathed 30: The Power of the Gospel

July 30, 2023

In times past, the surrounding society supported and encouraged faith in Jesus. But not anymore. In times of pressure or persecution, we may forget the power of the Gospel and be tempted to hide our faith to preserve our life in this world. But there is more power in the Gospel than there is in us. The Gospel message about Jesus has the power to create faith in our hearts, and through that faith we receive salvation. (Based on Romans 1:1-17.)

God-breathed 29: Living a Life with No Regrets

July 23, 2023

Human life is like a funnel. When we are younger, we have lots of opportunities to make choices. As we grow older, our opportunities to make choices narrows up to the point that, at the end of our life, we have almost no opportunities left. Without help, we will inevitably have regrets at life's end. But Jesus forgives us for all our failures, redeems our mistakes and gives us the Holy Spirit to guide and direct us. Therefore, we seek the Spirit's guidance in determining our main goals in tasks in life. With God's help, in the end, we will have no regrets. (Based on Acts 20:17-32.)

God-breathed 28: Proclaiming the Unknown God

July 16, 2023

In our part of the world, we live in a time where Christianity seems to be in decline and there is resistance to the Christian message. But God has placed within each culture a connecting point for the Gospel message. So we nourish ourselves with the true Christian faith and also learn about the surrounding culture. With the guidance and power of the Holy Spirit, we can build bridges with our non-Christian friends that Jesus walk across to them. (Based on Acts 17:22-34.)

God-breathed 27: A Chosen Instrument of God

July 9, 2023

There is no one who is beyond God's grace. Even Paul, a former enemy of Christians, was transformed by Jesus to become the most prominent Christian missionary in New Testament times. Regardless of how deep or dark our sin may be, Jesus invites us to come into the light of his forgiveness. Like Paul, it is there that we find new life, new hope and new purpose. (Based on Acts 9:1-19.)

God-breathed 26: Do Not Worry

July 2, 2023

For some of us, having someone tell us not to worry is like telling us not to breathe. It is so ingrained into our lives that we cannot imagine life without it. What is needed is a shift in what our heart ultimately trusts. Worry happens because we trust in ourselves or our circumstances to preserve and protect our lives. Jesus invites us to live in a new way where we live in moment-by-moment trust in him. That’s how we are able to not be anxious about anything. (Based on Philippians 4:6-7.)

God-breathed 25: Confirmation Sunday

June 25, 2023

Confirmation Sunday is an opportunity for young people to publicly confess that the faith into which they were baptized as infants is indeed their own personal faith. This is a momentous occasion in the lives of each of these four young people for, from this moment on, they will be taking responsibility for the Christian faith in which they were nurtured at home and in this community of faith. This is an opportunity for us to celebrate with them as we continue to nurture, support and love them in the Christian faith.

God-breathed 24: The Holy Spirit Community

June 18, 2023

We live in a time of great change and uncertainty, a time when the foundations of the institutions and shared beliefs that used to support society have started to crack and crumble. In a search for "salvation," most people take an individual perspective and focus on themselves. But Jesus brings salvation in a communal sense, for love always finds its fullest form in community. (Based on Acts 2:36-47.)

God-breathed 23: The Great Convincer

June 11, 2023

As Jesus got ready to leave the world, he prepared his followers by making them aware of the persecution that will come. The Source of strength and truth that will help them endure will be the Holy Spirit, whom Jesus promised to send to them. As Jesus' followers share his love with the world, the Holy Spirit will do the inner work of convincing people of their need for a Savior. (Based on John 16:1-15.)

God-breathed 22: Our Advocate

June 4, 2023

Before Jesus went to the cross, he assured his followers that he would send another Advocate, a Helper who would continue the work of Jesus by dwelling within his followers and reminding them of all that Jesus had done and taught. That Advocate is the Holy Spirit who fills us with overflowing life, love, joy and peace from God. With our spirit attuned to the Holy Spirit, we have courage and peace. (Based on John 14:15-31.)

God-breathed 21: New Life through the Holy Spirit

May 28, 2023

All human problems tend to be rooted in our bodies or our spirits, and sometimes both. Left to our own devices, there is no way for human beings to fully resolve and heal the problems we have. But the God-human Jesus has. His suffering and death on the cross, and his resurrection that followed on the third day, point to the culmination of our journey of faith with him, a journey that is initiated and fueled by the Holy Spirit. (Based on Acts 2:1-21 & John 11:17-27, 38-44.)

God-breathed 20: The Bread of Life

May 21, 2023

Because we are deeply rooted in this world, it is easy for us to primarily hunger for the things of this world. Sometimes we even try to use Jesus, with his power and authority, to get the things that we want. But Jesus went to the cross, died and rose again, to satisfy much deeper hungers in our soul. With him as our king, for now and forever, more of his grace and love shines through us into the lives of others.  (Based on John 6:22-40.)