
God-breathed - Series 1

God-breathed 17: The Rejected One Becomes the Cornerstone

April 30, 2023

We all need to make value choices. But how do we make those choices?  By what gives us status, power or money? Jesus shows us that none of those valuations will secure our life forever. Instead, he invites us to make him, the rejected one, the chief cornerstone of our lives. In his eyes, we are living stones which he will build into a beautiful home that glorifies God. (Based on Luke 19:45-20:18 & 1 Peter 2:4-12.)

God-breathed 16: Believing in God's Grace

April 23, 2023

Far too often our actions indicate that we underestimate what God can do in our life & in the lives of others. So we use the resources and opportunities he gives us to try to keep ourselves safe. But that self-made security will be stripped away before God when we have to answer for what we did with what God gave us in this life. Jesus is offering us a better way to live. Through his interactions with others and the stories he told, Jesus shows us that God's grace can do far greater things in our life and in the lives of others. Therefore, we faithfully use whatever God gives us for growth in his Kingdom. (Based on Luke 19:1-27.)

God-breathed 15: Shameless Grace & Heavenly Joy

April 16, 2023

Sometimes the sins of others are so offensive to us that we consider them to be beyond any redemption. It would be unfair, we think, if they enjoyed life with God when we, who consider ourselves to be good people, deserve it far more than they do. But Jesus died and rose again for the sins of all people and the Kingdom of God is open to everyone who trusts in Jesus. God's grace is for those who don't deserve it and, when we realize that also includes us, we are moved to become more gracious and loving with others. (Based on Luke 15:11-32.)

God-breathed 14: Witnesses Clothed With Power

April 9, 2023

Far too often, the lives of Jesus followers don't look any different from those who don't follow Jesus. Like the women who went to Jesus' tomb, we expect to find death instead of life. But Jesus' resurrection changes everything for us. Not only has Jesus defeated death for us, he also invited us to join him on his mission of redeeming and restoring all things. Clothed with his promised power from on high, we carry with us and share his gift of life. (Based on Luke 24:1-12, 36-49.)

God-breathed 13: The Tears of Our Savior

April 2, 2023

Many in the city of Jerusalem missed the opportunity for peace because they did not recognize that God came to them in the person of Jesus, and the sorrow over what had been lost caused Jesus to weep. But Jesus' compassion for humanity is our security of salvation, for Jesus continued beyond Palm Sunday to the cross, where he made our peace secure in him. (Based on Luke 19:28-44.)

God-breathed 12: The Universal Mission of Jesus

March 26, 2023

The radical nature of God's grace can seem offensive. When those who seem to be less-deserving get a greater blessing from God, our hearts cry out, "That's not fair! I have been more faithful for longer than they have ever been!" But none of us are deserving of God's grace. We don't need fairness. We need mercy. And in Jesus Christ, God has mercy, and grace, for all. (Based on Luke 4:14-30.)

God-breathed 11: Remembering Who We Are

March 19, 2023

There is a lot of emphasis on identity these days, and rightly so, for everything we do flows from our identity. But what if we are wrong about our identity, or fail to live up to the identity we have set for ourselves? The possibility of such identity failure leaves us with a tinge of fear. However, through his life, death and resurrection, Jesus gives us a new identity as new creation people. As we live the joy and security of our new identity, we are better able to reflect his love and grace into the world around us. (Based on Mark 14:53-72.)

God-breathed 10: The Lord Directs Our Steps

March 12, 2023

We human beings make plans for our lives, but it is God who directs our steps. Because he is a good, gracious and loving God, we know that he is directing us toward a good ending, an ending which he has prepared in advance for us to enjoy, an ending which is far beyond anything we can ever ask or imagine. Therefore, we can trust in God for today, tomorrow and forever. (Based on Ephesians 3:14-21 & Proverbs 16:9.)

God-breathed 9: The Cost of Our Freedom

March 5, 2023

We think that we are free, but most of us are addicted to having some kind of power over others by either dominating them with control or manipulating them to gain approval. Our power-focused approach to life only harms ourselves and others. Jesus shows us a better way to live. By suffering & dying in humility, Jesus set us free to live life in him. Secure and satisfied in Jesus, we gladly humble ourselves and serve others so they too can know Jesus’ love for them. (Based on Mark 10:32-45.)

God-breathed 8: The New Family God has Given Us

February 26, 2023

We can't always see it, but sin-based systems and powers force people to live in bondage and we cannot free ourselves. Jesus is the God-human who came to overthrow those demonic structures and set humanity free with his forgiveness. Freed and given new life by Jesus, we live according to God's will and let our light shine before others so they too may know Jesus & the freedom he gives. (Based on Mark 3:20-35.)

God-breathed 7: New Life & Purpose in Jesus

February 19, 2023

Purpose and direction are very important in life and all of us learn our direction and purpose from somewhere, but we often aim too low and settle for much less than God wants to give us. Jesus rose from the dead to give us a totally new life with him and we learn how to live from him and show others how to do the same so all of us can have a rich, full, abundant life with God. (Based on Matthew 28:1-10, 16-20.)

God-breathed 6: God is Betrayed

February 12, 2023

When tough times come upon us, it can seem to us as though all, including God, have abandoned us. But humanity’s greatest problem is not a lack of good times, it is the lack of a relationship with God. And Jesus chose to go down a path of betrayal, abandonment and suffering for us so we could have the steadfast presence of God in our lives. Jesus has promised to never leave us nor forsake us. (Based on Matthew 26:30-46.)

God-breathed 5: Answering God's Call

February 5, 2023

There are so many decision points coming at us in life and so many voices telling us how to handle those decisions. How do we best navigate those challenges? Through a story Jesus tells us about the kingdom of heaven, we can see that the best thing we can do is step into the invitation Jesus gives us to enter into a deeper life with him. (Based onhttps://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=matthew+22%3a1-14&version=nlt.)

God-breathed 4: Engaging the Neighborhood

January 29, 2023

At times it can feel like we are all alone in this world and we can get discouraged over what is happening in our life. But the Bible tells us that we are never alone. Jesus has put on flesh and blood in a way we could understand so we could receive a life that was beyond our comprehension. (Based onhttps://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=john+1%3a1-18&version=nlt.) Our guest preacher this Sunday was Pastor Matt Peeples, our presenter from the Missionary Pathway Experience. 

God-breathed 3: The Impact of Everyday Believers

January 22, 2023

When you think that anything is possible for you, then you become willing to step into new opportunities. For many of us who follow Jesus, our picture of what it means to be a Jesus-follower is too small, not much more than going to church on Sunday morning, so then we never step into a new opportunity to follow Jesus beyond that. But what if church and following Jesus is much, much more than that? Then there will be opportunities for us to be the church and share Jesus’ love with others anywhere anytime. (Based on Acts 11:19-30.)