

Further 5: Compelled to Love

June 28, 2020

There are many resources to which we can turn to seek help for living a good life, but without God, our quest is hopeless. We are flawed, broken beings who need help from outside of ourselves. Thankfully, we have that help through Jesus, and with the love that He gives us, we are able to live a good life full of love for others.

Further 4: Death, Then Life

June 21, 2020

Death has been around since the early days of humanity. None of us like it, but there is nothing that we can do about it. Thankfully, Jesus came into this world to straighten out us and all creation. As we trust in Him and the righteousness He gives us, we can live a rich, full, abundant life with Jesus both now and forever.

Further 3: Faith in Jesus

June 14, 2020

Everyone has a foundation of faith of some kind in their life, something that they trust in above all else as they live their life. In the marketplace of ideas there are many options for us to consider, but the greatness and the goodness of the God of the Bible suggest that faith in Jesus is the best foundation for us to have.

Further 2: God's Wrath & Peace

June 7, 2020

We don't like to think about God being angry but His anger is the result when the people He loves get hurt. We all have hurt ourselves & others and therefore deserve God's wrath, but God did an extraordinary thing. He let the wrath that we deserve fall on Himself instead of us, so that we could have peace. That peace is more than a cessation of hostility. It is a rich, full life defined by God's blessings of faith, hope and love. And it is all a free gift to us from God the Son, Jesus.

Further 1: Life with God's Spirit

May 31, 2020

Life is often a struggle. Not only is there the exterior struggle, which we all share, of trying to make our way in this world. There is also the intensely personal interior struggle in which we all try to answer the question, “How do I know that I am going to be ok?” The default method for answering this question is with worldly measurements, but those things will all eventually disappoint or even crush us. The Holy Spirit gives us a new life where His presence is our promise that we will be more than ok for now and forever. We will thrive.