
JSSS 7: Love, Sacrifice & Power

August 16, 2020

All of us have the power to make decisions, but what guides us as we use our God-given power? Will it be love or self-interest? Both Jesus and Avengers: Endgame show us that sacrificial love brings us the Endgame result we desire.

JSSS 10: The Protective Power of Love

September 6, 2020

Having a strong sense of home in our hearts can give us a sense of belonging, identity, security and confidence. But even a strong sense of home can cause anxiety when it is rooted in this world because something can always go wrong at home. Jesus has given us a new forever home with God and the way to that home is the way of love. Therefore we make God’s love the driving force in our lives so that others can also have a forever home with God.

JSSS 9: Perseverance & Faithfulness

August 30, 2020

There are times when it seems like Covid-19 has stripped away our society’s veneer of congeniality and we can see what other people truly care about by what upsets them. But what about us? In the race of life, what are we running for? When we see what Jesus has done for us, we are moved by His sacrificial love to run our race for His Kingdom.

JSSS 8: Freedom & Forgiveness

August 23, 2020

Feeling foolish about our faith can prevent us from fully living life as God intended us to do. But faith is about seeing ultimate reality as it really is and when our faith is anchored in Jesus, we are freed from our fears of being foolish and able to faithfully live and love others.