
The Body 2: The Head of the Body

April 18, 2021

At the core of our being, all of us are following someone. But who are we trusting to lead us well? Our default answer is that we trust ourselves, yet that was not how God designed us to live, and that becomes evident when we lead ourselves into a disaster. Those disasters are opportunities for us to learn and look for a better leader. We need look no further than Jesus, for he is the best person to lead us because of what he has done, is doing and will do in the future for us. (Based on Col. 1:15-23)

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The Body 6: A Light to the World

May 16, 2021

When confronted with the looming presence of God, we tend to stumble over or turn away from Him. Yet God is inviting us into a new way of living through His Son, Jesus Christ. With Jesus as the Cornerstone of our life, He makes us part of His beautiful Body that shines His light into the world around us. (Based on 1 Peter 2:4-10.)

The Body 5: Growth in the Body

May 9, 2021

To step into the fullness of life, we need to know who we are and what we can do. Jesus is offering us a life that is greater than what we could ask or imagine as we use the gifts he has given us for his mission in his Body, the Body of Christ. That’s how we grow. (Based on Ephesians 4:7-16.)

The Body 4: Humble Service in the Body

May 2, 2021

[We apologize for the audio quality during this podcast.] We may wonder why other people do the things that they do, but if we thought like they thought, we would do what they do. Therefore, the key question is “Who is forming the way that we think?” As we respond to God’s mercy by fully giving ourselves to him, he transforms our thoughts, emotions and will so that we passionately love God and humbly serve others. (Based on Romans 12:1-13.)