
Living Words 18: Overcoming Opposition

May 5, 2024

Sometimes we face challenging opposition as we do what God calls us to do. Ideally it would be otherwise, but we don’t live in an ideal world. We live in a broken, hurting world where evil strives to counter the good things God wants to accomplish in the world. But our faithful God is greater than evil, and he will provide the direction, discernment and strength we need to persevere for goodness in the face of evil opposition. (Based on Nehemiah 6:1-15.)

Living Words 21: Walking with the Shepherd

May 26, 2024

The biblical image of a shepherd and their sheep is a powerful metaphor for the God-human relationship. We are weak, defenseless, and prone to go astray, yet our Lord faithfully provides, protects, and blesses us. Trust and love bind us together in a relationship that rests on the Shepherd's faithful lovingkindness. (Based on Psalm 23 & John 10:11-18.)

Living Words 20: Perseverance in the Promise

May 19, 2024

As we live our lives in this world, it can be hard for us to believe that an invisible spiritual realm exists and has an impact on our lives. It takes Spirit-empowered faith to believe and see this. Thankfully, God gives us the Holy Spirit and faith so we can live in the fullness of life--with both our body and soul--that God has for us. (Based on Job 42:1-6, 10-17 & Acts 2:1-21.)

Living Words 19: Embracing Divine Purpose

May 12, 2024

When a problem arises, our first response is to deal with the surface issue, but often there is a deeper issue that needs to be addressed. When they are identified, these deeper issues can be very challenging because attempting to solve them requires us to take risks or make sacrifices that we would not normally do. Only with faith in God can we take our place in the solution he has for this situation. (Based on Esther 4:1-17.)