
Welcoming the Deliverer

Easter 2019

April 14, 2019 • Bryan Dugger • Luke 19:28–40

When we see Jesus enter into Jerusalem a few days before His death, we can see that God purposely provided all that was needed to proclaim that His Son was the Messiah.

The Victorious Deliverer

April 21, 2019 • Bryan Dugger • Matthew 27:1–43

Throughout all of the events that surround and take place within the Gospel story, Jesus is never out of control. In every way, He is intentionally driving the story forward towards the cross so that He would be the Victorious Deliverer.

Desperate for Deliverance

March 31, 2019 • Bryan Dugger • Isaiah 37:14–20

When Hezekiah and the people of Judah were on the brink of destruction, the humbled king took time to ask God for deliverance. In our lives, it may seem like a simple thing to do: asking for help from God. But how often do we do it? When faced overwhelming circumstances, we must have faith that God can deliver us.