
Livestream (9/17/23)

September 17, 2023

Welcome to our online worship service! We're so thankful you can join us virtually and we hope today's service encourages your soul and helps you experience the grace of God in a new way. We have as special guest, Dema, joining us from Ukraine today, to share with us about the work they are doing for God's glory in the midst of the ongoing conflict. We'll also be wrapping up our sermon series on overcoming temptation with a message about the power of God's grace.

We'd love to connect with your further and find out how we can pray for you and get you plugged into one of the small groups or ministry opportunities at Westside. So please fill out our in-touch form here: https://westsidelife.org/in-touch

More from Past Services

Livestream (12/10/23)

December 10, 2023

Welcome to our online worship service with Westside Church of Christ! We'd love to connect with your further and find out how we can pray for you and get you plugged into one of the small groups or ministry opportunities at Westside. So please fill out our in-touch form here: https://westsidelife.org/in-touch This month Christmas message series is called "What Child is This?" We'll be exploring five of the ways the Bible describes the identity of Jesus: Prophet, Priest, King, Savior, and Shepherd. Each of those descriptions tells us something important about who Jesus is and the role he plays in our lives.

Livestream (12/3/23)

December 3, 2023

Welcome to our online worship service with Westside Church of Christ! We'd love to connect with your further and find out how we can pray for you and get you plugged into one of the small groups or ministry opportunities at Westside. So please fill out our in-touch form here: https://westsidelife.org/in-touch This month Christmas message series is called "What Child is This?" We'll be exploring five of the ways the Bible describes the identity of Jesus: Prophet, Priest, King, Savior, and Shepherd. Each of those descriptions tells us something important about who Jesus is and the role he plays in our lives.

Livestream (11/26/23)

November 26, 2023

Welcome to our online worship service with Westside Church of Christ! We'd love to connect with your further and find out how we can pray for you and get you plugged into one of the small groups or ministry opportunities at Westside. So please fill out our in-touch form here: https://westsidelife.org/in-touch This month our sermon series is "Not of this World" based on the book of 1 Peter. Today our message comes from 1 Peter 4. The main idea is that Christians are called to embrace the way of the cross by persevering in humility, love, and godly living.