
Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness

(July 22, Part 1)

July 22, 2020

What does the Bible say about our right to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness?

Join us for this Wednesday at 6:30pm for this week's Bible study which covers this big question! We'll be opening God's Word and challenging disciples of Jesus to use their freedom to honor Christ and expand his Kingdom.

God bless!

God's Heart for the Outsiders

September 2, 2020

God has always heart a heart for the outsiders. From the time of Israel to the ministry of Jesus, God has always given special honor to the men, women and children in society who tend to be overlooked. In this Bible study, we explore what it means to treat everyone with dignity, decency, and respect--no matter their background.

Christ the Redeemer

August 26, 2020

Jesus promises that when he sets us free, we are free indeed. But is he freeing us from? And what does it mean that Jesus is our Redeemer? We invite you to join us for this week's Bible study that will look into these questions using the Old and New Testaments. We hope you'll fall more in love with Jesus as you hear about the price he paid to purchase our freedom from sin.

What Christians Get Right (And Wrong) About Freedom

August 19, 2020

In our culture, freedom is often associated with the absence of a master or authority telling us what to do. We feel we can't be free if we have to answer to anyone but ourselves. The Bible gives us a fundamentally different understanding of what freedom really means. In tonight's Bible study, we'll be exploring two key passages from Scripture that teach us an important truth about freedom: everyone has a master, but not ever master has our best interest in mind. True freedom is found when we are freed from our slavery to sin and choose to follow Jesus as our new master.