
Pray & Go

Matthew 9:35-38

May 30, 2021

Jesus gives us a powerful example of meeting the physical and spiritual needs of his community in Matthew 9:35-38. God has always wanted the good news of the Kingdom to go out into all the world, and Jesus is choosing us to be the workers.

Senior Sunday

June 6, 2021 • Adam England

Devoted to Prayer

May 23, 2021

Jesus commissioned the disciples to go into all the world, but then he told them to wait in Jerusalem. Before going, they needed to be equipped with the power and strength they'd need for the mission. In Acts 1-2, we see that they devoted themselves to prayer, made unity a priority, and learned to rely on the power of the Spirit. We would do well to follow in their footsteps!

Know, Show, Go

May 16, 2021

Jesus commissions us to make disciples of all nations. That's a big goal, but sometimes the best place to start is right at home in your own neighborhood. In this message, Bryan shares a simple phrase (Know, Show, Go) that helps us understand how we can help people experience the heart of God through the way we live on a daily basis.