
The Life

Youth Ministry, Room #604

Our Youth Ministry class meets every Sunday in room #604 (upstairs and to the right). Snacks & sodas are available free of charge! Read on for more info about our current class.

The call to faith in Christ is a call to action. It’s a call to a transformed life, a life that has a specific look to it. This life is called discipleship. And it’s the expected path of all who come to faith in Jesus.

The call to saving faith is a simultaneous call to follow Jesus in a lifetime of devotion. There really isn’t any other option. The idea that we could know Jesus but live unchanged lives isn’t biblical. The picture of biblical faith is the picture of life daily lived in relationship with God. It’s a life of discipleship. Of “followership.”

Our Student Ministry is in the midst of a year-long Bible study series called "The Life." We hope and pray these messages will help your students know exactly what the call to follow looks like.

Key Features of "The Life"
• 3 Student Devotionals Every Week
• Parent Recap Pages with Discussion Questions
• Focus on Jesus and Discipleship