

Episode 1 - "Brainwashing"

Numbers 14

- Confirming is your choice - You're part of a family of faith - Membership in God's family means responsibility

Episode 2 - "Not the Boss of Me"

2 Kings 19

- God is in control - God takes care of us - We can trust God

Episode 3 - "Get it and Give it"

Genesis 25

- We owe God more than we could ever repay - Grace is an undeserved gift - Grace compels us to "pay it forward" to others

Episode 4 - "Keeping it Real"

John 6

- In sacraments, God makes ordinary items extraordinary - Sacraments make God's grace real and concrete to us

Episode 5 - "#DFTBA"

Genesis 37—49

- God is working everything out--even the bad stuff - Since God's working everything out, we can live without fear - Evil doesn't have the final word

Episode 6 - "Deal With It"

Jeremiah 1

- God has chosen us, not for anything that we've done or anything we can offer--God just wants us\ - God's election gives us hope - Trusting in God's predestination give us hope and courage to face whatever come our way

Episode 7 - "Blessed to Be a Blessing"

Luke 1

- God created us to serve. - God blesses us with a purpose. - It's not just about "me."

Episode 8 - "Reconciled to God"

Acts 9

- God sees us for who and what we are and loves us anyway. - "But God proves his love for us in that while we were sinners Christ died for us" (Romans 5:8 NRSV) - Through salvation, God transforms and reconciles us

Episode 9 - "Bound Together"

2 Samuel 7

- God Covenants with us - God walks with and among us. - God's covenant with us influences our relationship with others.

Episode 10 - "Decent and in Order"

1 Timothy 3—4

- Everyone in the church is called a ministry - Presbyterians like to work together "decently and in order" so that (hopefully) nobody gets left out or walked over. - Elders and Deacons have specialized leadership roles within the church

Episode 11 - "The Word and the word"

Luke 2

- As Presbyterians, we use the Book of Confessions to help us understand the Bible and we read the Bible to help us know Christ - Scripture helps us to order our lives around Christ - As Christians, we're part of a great tradition that spans years - Although we hold the Bible as authoritative word of God, we know that God still speaks with us today

Episode 12 - "All Good Gifts"

Esther 4

- Our gifts are unique - nobody else has quite the same combination of gifts that God has given each of us - God gives us gifts for a purpose - As Christians, we're called to use our gift in glorifying God and serving other.

Episode 13 - "Bling!"

Matthew 19

- Greed makes us foold. - God calls us to share our blessings - both spiritual and physical - "Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." (Matthew 6:21)

Episode 14 - "Very Good"

Genesis 1—2

- God calls us to be good stewards of creation - We love and honor the Giver be taking care of the gift (i.e., creation)

Episode 15 - "No Good Dirty Sinner"

Genesis 4

- We're all sinners. Sin is anything that's contrary to God's will. - Sin is messy, tricky, and impossible to get out of without God's help