
Guest Teachers

Finding Pleasure in the Pain

April 28, 2024 • Justan McCaslin • 2 Corinthians 12:1–10

In our culture, we tend to compare ourselves to others which only leads to envy or condemnation. This causes us to respond by shielding and covering up our weaknesses / calamities / trials / sicknesses / deformities so we look stronger & better to others around us. Don’t think God’s power isn’t evident just because there isn’t a miraculous experience. Maybe you’ve become distracted in seeking after the miraculous saving instead of the miraculous savior. Maybe you’ve began to desire someone else’s experience instead of the life God has led you in. Maybe you’ve began to think you’re doing something wrong because you’re not experiencing paradise just pain & weakness. Don’t think God’s power isn’t evident just because there isn’t a miraculous experience.

The River

April 17, 2024 • David Dekhtyaryuk • John 7:37–39

Water is a core need for human survival and the longer we go without it the more valuable the commodity is to us. Jesus is no different in our life. When we acknowledge our need for a spirit filled life much like our need for water, It grows our dependance on the source as we seek to alleviate that need. 

Chariots & Horses

March 27, 2024 • David Dekhtyaryuk • Psalm 20

This is a psalm of David written around the events of 2 Samuel 10. Its like many of David’s Psalms but what is notability different is that the perspective is not from the mouth of King David, but the voice of a multitude of people praying for the king before he goes to war. It’s a Psalm to march into battle too! God is doing great things in our church; He’s transforming the lives of so many families in our city. But the emphasis in this Psalm is “Where do I go in times of trouble?” and W”here do I put my faith in?”


March 6, 2024 • David Dekhtyaryuk • Matthew 13:24–30

We're going to look at a parable of the wheat and the tares. To give a little context, chapter 13 as a whole is a visual chapter. Jesus talks about the four soils; wheat and weeds; the mustard seed; yeast; a hidden treasure and a pearl of great price; and a fishing net. The parable of the weeds is interesting because this specific week is indistinguishable from wheat only when it's fully grown.


February 21, 2024 • Justan McCaslin • Psalm 46

When we are confronted with the difficult moments of life we have the tendency to forget the promises of God and lose our confidence in Him. Which leads to fear, doubt, and failure. This Psalm was written to the people of God to instill a personal calm in the midst of apparent disaster. Assuring the immediate presence / protection / sovereign care of God. 

I Lost My Heart Under the Broom Tree

January 24, 2024 • David Dekhtyaryuk • 1 Kings 19:1–18

1 Kings 17 - 19 highlights the life of Elijah. He performed 7 miracles including causing the Rain to start and stop, bringing a boy back to life, supernaturally multiples a Oil in a jar it will never run out, calling down fire from heaven. He was actually one of the few people who never dies. We also see Elijah in the New Testament at the mountain of transfiguration with Moses and Elijah. He is also part of our Future as one of the witnesses in Revelation 11. Yet, after all of this, he still struggled with depression!

Overwhelming Victory (Pt. 2)

January 21, 2024 • Justan McCaslin • Ephesians 6:10–20

It’s been said before, there is never any spiritual progress without spiritual warfare. Paul takes three chapters discipling the church on how to live differently and finishes off by telling them to guard the fruit! This is important for the church because we’ve been used by the Lord and He wants us to stand firm against the attacks of the enemy. In our study today, we will learn how to stand firm and what tools we’ve been given to fight a spiritual battle!

Overwhelming Victory (Pt. 1)

January 14, 2024 • Justan McCaslin • Romans 8:28–39

It’s always nice to be successful at something. When we play sports or games, experiencing the victory is the aim. As I look at my life, I want to experience victory. In following Jesus, I want to experience victory. In being a husband and parent, I want victory. Romans 8 teaches us that we can experience victory through the power of the Holy Spirit living within us!

Creature of Habit

January 17, 2024 • David Dekhtyaryuk • Colossians 3:1–15

We are now 17 days into the new year which means, statistically, 90% of this room has now broken your new year's resolutions. On average it takes 30 days to create a new habit and roughly 90 days to make a permanent lifestyle change. This IS NOT about a ‘new year, new me’ message... but the reality is that habits are real and Paul tells us that when we build the right habits “we will share in Christ Glory” 

Eye on the Prize

December 3, 2023 • Justan McCaslin • 2 Timothy 2:1–7

This Thanksgiving I had the opportunity to run the TurkeyTrot 5K as a family and I ran with Adi, my youngest daughter! It was awesome, except I didn’t stretch beforehand so my knees were killing me! I had some pain to work thought, therefore I began to countdown each 1/10 of a mile so I could make it to the end. Sometimes that can be how we make it through the race of life. Dealing with the setbacks and difficulties so we can make it to the end where the real prize is!

That's Not Fair!

November 8, 2023 • Justan McCaslin • Psalm 73

Have you ever experienced something that didn't seem right? Like justice had not been served? Maybe you've been working hard and been passed up for the job promotion to someone who hasn't sacrificed all that you have. It's not an uncommon feeling in life, and something we all go through at some point or another. We even have testimony in the scriptures of injustices that seem to go unpunished and atrocities that go unnoticed. Today we're going to explore this topic with a worship leader in the Old Testament. A man by the name of Asaph. He writes this song where he seems to ask the question... "Why do the wicked prosper while the righteous get the short end of the stick?"

Living Differently

October 8, 2023 • Justan McCaslin • Colossians 3:12–17

Have you ever done something for so long that it was so hard to change to a new way of doing it? Studies show it takes an average of 66 days to build a new habit. In chapter 3, Paul is not teaching us how to make new habits in our life, but to live a new life. Not based off a new set of rules, but based off a new declaration - a new reality (v. 1)!

Gold & Fire

October 11, 2023 • David Dekhtyaryuk • 1 Corinthians 3:10–16

God lives inside of you, the Holy spirit resides in this place! The question is: what is the quality of your life? Are you going to leave cracks and holes everywhere so that pests can come and steal your Joy in christ? Today, Paul is going to be outlining the building materials for our lives!

Blurred Vision

September 20, 2023 • David Dekhtyaryuk • Mark 8:22–26

Today we're going to study how Jesus heals a blind man by spitting in his eyes. Let's be honest, this is a weird story! Can you imagine being in this man's shoes? Why did Jesus spit in his eyes? Why wasn't the healing complete the first time?

Conflicting Priorities

September 13, 2023 • Justan McCaslin • Luke 10:38–42