
This Is For Real

Ecclesiastes 5:8-20

April 11, 2018 • Pastor Jeff Cramer

Remember (Chp. #5 – 10) gives us some insights & exhortations on the back of Solomon’s experiences in life. He addresses a topic that is sensitive to most people he’s going to take the outward appearance of material wealth and show the less pleasant reality of it! Perhaps in your bible you have a title over (vv.8-20)? Mine says: “The Futility of Riches”

What's Your Perspective?

January 10, 2018 • Pastor Jeff Cramer

What Do You Seek?

January 17, 2018 • Pastor Jeff Cramer

As a young man I pressed into adulthood with a good work ethic and seeking to satisfy my cravings & dreams! But, I didn’t know what the world held for me. In (John 1:38) Jesus said to John and Andrew “What do you seek?” (NIV = “want”). In (Matt. 19:21) talking to the rich young ruler Jesus invited a moral-man to go deeper, and He exposed a heart issue only God could see! God knows you like no one else, and the amazing thing is He still loves you!

Common Experiences

January 24, 2018 • Pastor Jeff Cramer