
Life Out Of Focus

Ecclesiastes 6:1-12

April 18, 2018 • Pastor Jeff Cramer

Tonight we come to another insight & exhortation from Solomon. Once again, he sheds light on how people waste their lives under the misguided delusion of striving for satisfaction! Through the years of my life I’ve been one of those persons who struggles with anxiety! It’s been a real stumbling block behind the scenes. At times, I’ve prided myself as being someone who is diligent and hard-working! Carrying these expectations of achievement in an attempt to be satisfied! Well tonight, Solomon adds to the discussion of a “Life Out of Focus”

What's Your Perspective?

January 10, 2018 • Pastor Jeff Cramer

What Do You Seek?

January 17, 2018 • Pastor Jeff Cramer

As a young man I pressed into adulthood with a good work ethic and seeking to satisfy my cravings & dreams! But, I didn’t know what the world held for me. In (John 1:38) Jesus said to John and Andrew “What do you seek?” (NIV = “want”). In (Matt. 19:21) talking to the rich young ruler Jesus invited a moral-man to go deeper, and He exposed a heart issue only God could see! God knows you like no one else, and the amazing thing is He still loves you!

Common Experiences

January 24, 2018 • Pastor Jeff Cramer