
Discipleship Maker

Colossians 3:22 - 4:18

December 15, 2019 • Pastor Jeff Cramer

A Gallop Poll revealed there are three types of employees:

1) Engaged 30% – passionate & connected.
2) Not-Engaged 52% – Checked out & sleepwalking thru the day.
3) Actively Disengaged 18% – Busy acting out their discontent.

The poll says:
“… 70% of U.S. employees are disengaged at work, meaning they don’t show up… bringing their best.”

“For 18% of employees, it’s even worse. Almost one in five employees… are: emotionally disconnected from their companies and may actually be working against their employers’ interests; they are less productive, are more likely to steal from their companies, negatively influence their coworkers, miss workdays, and drive customers away.” (Source Link: Gallop Poll June 2013 ).
This means there’s a massive need for understanding “Civil Discipleship”! Faith finds expression in the way we live our lives WITH Jesus - Our work / friends / hobbies / our community. All of these areas are the Christian’s mission field. So today, Paul gives practical discipleship instruction.

Stopping Bad Decisions

September 15, 2019 • Pastor Jeff Cramer

Today we kick off a new study in the book of Colossians; This letter was written about 3-years after the book of Romans some where around (60AD - 62 AD). This morning the only reason we want to know the time frame is so we can see where Paul was at in his life. We get to see that change is possible! A guy that was NOT welcome in church becomes the one who cares for the church!

Jesus Is The Center

September 22, 2019 • Pastor Jeff Cramer

Today we dive right into the main thrust of this letter the preeminence of Christ! This topic lays the foundation of what we believe and it also combats the false philosophy’s of any age. Point being, the theological topics in Colossians are important to grow in as we live out our Christian Faith.

He's Number One

September 29, 2019 • Pastor Jeff Cramer

Last week we learned why the topic of Preeminence took center stage with the believers in Colossae. They were immature & needed to be grounded in the faith. They were being harassed & confused by heretical doctrines and Paul wanted to see them succeed (strengthened). So too, our understanding of Biblical truths directly affect the way we live our lives because we live out what we believe. We've seen the Superiority of Christ in Creation (vv.15-17), and in the Church (vv.18-23) Today we see the Superiority of Christ in our individual lives & ministries. Paul magnifies three particular points: 1) Suffering for Christ (1:24) 2) Proclaiming Christ (1:25-28) 3) Depending on Christ (1:29)