
Help Me Understand This

James 1:1-3

January 19, 2020 • Jeff Cramer

Let me start by sharing that James is the half-brother of Jesus. But the Bible also records that James didn’t believe who Jesus said He was (John 7:5) NKJV. James was a good Jewish man yet skeptical of Jesus’ claims! In fact, James and the entire family said Jesus was crazy (Mark 3:21) NLT. Point being: proximity to Jesus doesn’t guarantee faith! James was raised in the same house & still dismissed Jesus! Perhaps that speaks to you here this morning. Maybe you're like James who believed in God but rejected his need for forgiveness of sins by Jesus! Once James saw Jesus for who He is (1 Cor. 15:7) NKJV everything changed from that point! James becomes a leader & pillar in the early church in Jerusalem (Gal. 2:9(a) NLT. James then writes exhorting Christians to live an authentic faith in a hostile world! So, the main theme in this book is Real Faith That Produces Genuine Works.