
A Perfect Plan

Acts 7:1-60

July 16, 2023 • Pastor Jeff Cramer • Acts 7

Let’s back up to (Acts 1:8) where Jesus tells His disciples the scope of the mission – they’re to be witnesses. This is key for understanding Stephen’s life in this chapter. The greek word for witnesses = martus (mar-toos) [G-3144]. Defined as: “One who believes so strongly in his faith, that he would give his life for what he believed.” This chapter is the transition between the birth of the church & the second phase of God’s plan for the church – evangelism. Stephen's mention in scripture starts at (Acts 6:5) & quickly ends in (Acts 8:2). It gives us a glimpse of the man he was – Stephen was:

(Acts 6:3) “full of the Holy Spirit and wisdom…” 

(Acts 6:5) “full of faith and the Holy Spirit…”

(Acts 6:8) “full of faith and power…”

This becomes important because we learn from the impact of the early church - Everyday people who were relying on the abilities of God over self.


May 26, 2024 • Pastor Jeff Cramer • Acts 16:1–15

In these verses the Holy Spirit was forbidding Paul and the team to preach the word. This is an important topic to discuss with growing believers because we need to recognize the value of open & closed doors. Think about your life and discover where God is leading you. Look around and see where God is forbidding you.  When we try to push through a closed door, it results in frustration, irritation, & unexplained problems. The ministry team was staying flexible between the open and closed doors! This is a great example of directed service here where God was leading the way and showing them where to go & what to do.

Don't Stop The Momentum

May 19, 2024 • Pastor Jeff Cramer • Acts 15

As we come in Acts 15 Paul & Barnabas had returned to Antioch of Syria from their first missionary trip with excitement & celebration of what God had done. The Church was onboard and things were looking good, but then a crack in the unity erupted. A group of people, some pharisees, wanted to manage the work of God by placing rules around the moving of God’s Spirit. While there’s much to learn in the book of Acts, 85% of this chapter is spent on dealing with the cracks of unity and then another 10% on division between Paul & Barnabas. We read about two major arguments in this chapter; first about God’s grace & second about God’s goals.

Who Wants To Be A Christian?

May 12, 2024 • Pastor Jeff Cramer • Acts 14

As we come to (Acts 14) Paul & Barnabas continue to take the Gospel into remote areas where both Jew & Gentiles lived. But, they kept getting run out of town. Literally each town they visited had some people come to faith, but many others rejected them & stirred up riots which forced Paul & Barnabas out of town. They were forced out of Antioch of Pisidia. Then down to Iconium, and further south and preached at Lystra and into Derbe. There are some who accept the message, but others were skeptical, rejected, and even mocked the message, making ministry very difficult!