
The Value of Leaders

Titus 1:6-16

May 11, 2022 • Pastor Jeff Cramer • Titus 1:6–16

Paul’s charge to Titus was – “set in order the things that are lacking.” The flavor of this phrase is medical and means to set a broken bone. In other words, it required skill & precision to complete it. Paul was not telling him to recklessly fill empty spots but to skillfully establish healthy churches. Titus needed to draw from the parameters laid out in scripture & the leading of the Holy Spirit in order to be successful.

Establishing A Sound Church

May 18, 2022 • Pastor Jeff Cramer • Titus 2

Because people are prone to complain about the church as if they’re in a customer service line at Wal-Mart. People shop for which doctrines they want to submit to. Church attenders across America treat the House of God & the word of God like picky-consumers rather than born-again-believers. Titus had to teach the full-counsel of God starting at the basic-level of daily life.

The Man and The Mission

March 24, 2022 • Pastor Jeff Cramer • Titus 1:1–5

Tonight we come to the Epistle of (Titus) which is a relatively short book – three chapters, but it’s packed with a powerful message! The immediate task set before Titus was to bring order to the Churches in Crete. An island where distorted faith had become the norm. Perhaps not much different than it is in America right now!?! There are many churches today falling into the woke ideology of climate change / sexual revolution / gender dysphoria / etc. Point being, pastors today AND Titus back then have some tough work to do! The churches on Crete had a bad reputation and some needed a sharp rebuke (1:13).