
War, What Is It Good For?

1 Samuel 14:1-23

January 30, 2019 • Pastor Jeff Cramer

As the story continues following a shrinking army that went from a militia of 330,000 men down to an army of 3,000 men and now at this point only 600 men. One thing we can apprehend in the scriptures is FEAR is contagious! Moses (OT) was very pointed about structuring leadership and appointing leaders Paul was too (NT). While there are many sides to leadership, the point here is nothing more than understanding how destructive fear is. (Deut. 20:8)
As the storyline continues we see one guy rise up and go after the enemy. Saul’s son Jonathan – also c.p. (1 Sam. 13:3). All of these truths bring us front and center with our world today where we find many Christians shrinking back in fear as soon as the cultural debate surfaces in our Post-Christian Country. Which is no different than the ancient Christians faced! Worldview is the lens we view & interpret cultural issues through. Things like:

➢ Intoxication = Smoking weed / prescription drugs / alcohol?
➢ Sexual expression = Is God ok with me living as a gay OR lesbian?
➢ Gender identity = Can a man really be trapped in a women body?
➢ Abortion = Can I abort in 3rd trimester OR can I abort at all?
➢ Greed = Gambling / playing the lottery what’s at the core?
➢ Hatred = Revenge / violence / murder?

More from 1 Samuel

My Faith Is Alive!

August 8, 2018 • Pastor Jeff Cramer

The book of Judges finishes off by saying “everyone doing what was right in their own eyes.” The Judges over the land failed to be faithful & chaos abounded with the people of Israel. 1st & 2nd Samuel are books that cover the leadership of three main characters: Samuel = Last judge / first prophet of this time Saul = The rejected King David = The Shepherd King This book will help us to understand the history of where God’s people have been and models for us both faithful & unfaithful. Real men & real women. Through the pages we learn & are encouraged to live life’s of FAITH! The book starts with how Samuel comes on the scene & highlights him becoming the man who gives faithful spiritual leadership which ends up in spiritual re-dedication & national unity!

The Why

August 22, 2018 • Pastor Jeff Cramer

1st Samuel is the bridge between the time of the Judges & the establishing of the monarchy when King David would unite the whole nation! At this stage in world history, Israel was in a free-fall politically & spiritually. Anarchy ensued because of disorder due to the absence of authority, and when there was a leader people would not recognize their authority! Judges 21:25 says, “In those days there was no king in Israel; everyone did what was right in his own eyes.” The result was progressive: People lacked self-control & disregarded consideration for others. Family life was messy & filled with frustrations. Spiritual leaders were corrupted from their God-intended-purpose. The Nation was at a breaking point. Doesn't this sound like the world we live in now? This is the environment where God began to do a new thing in! The big picture of 1st & 2nd Samuel focuses on restoration of national order!

Speak, For Your Servant Hears

August 29, 2018 • Pastor Jeff Cramer

During this time of world history the word of God had been put on mute and the prophet / priest / & people lived with their own rules & twisted belief-systems. One of the things the Bible teaches us is how to recognize & understand the voice of God. At this point in 1st Samuel, because the Priests & most of the people disregarded God, GOD was NOT revealing Himself in a widespread manner (v.1). However, in the age we live in today, part of the churches role is to make disciples (followers / learners / students) of Jesus, which depends on the Holy Spirit & willing individuals. God is not playing hid-and-seek with man, but He is very specific when outlining the way to live, no matter what the conditions of any given society are. Through all stages of history God has been present & speaking to man. Ours is no different!