
Tribulation Saints

Revelation 6:9-11

March 11, 2020 • Jeff Cramer

As we start tonight, I want to make sure you’re grasping the over-all picture of how these events unfold. The 7 year tribulation is generally broken down like this:
(Rev. 6 – 9) Reveals the first 3 ½ years of tribulation.
Beginning with the anti-Christ conquering…
With peace treaties & deception (white horse).
(Rev. 10 – 14) Gives an over-lapping middle period.
Where the anti-Christ breaks his treaty with the Jews, desecrates their temple and begins to persecute the Jews.
(Rev. 15 – 19) Uncovers the last 3 ½ years of tribulation known as the “Great Tribulation.” This is the climax of earthly judgments.