
The New Order of Priesthood

Hebrews 7:1-4

March 20, 2022 • Pastor Jeff Cramer • Hebrews 7:1–4

In the book of Hebrews, the context points to the sufficiency of Christ! The context of this chapter is the Priesthood of Christ. Hebrews 7 is considered the pinnacle of the entire Epistle of Hebrews because it focuses on the unchanging priesthood of Christ! Remember that the work of the High Priest was to represent man before God. A topic 21st Century Christian know little about because we’re 2,000 after the Cross of Christ! Yet, the original audience of (Hebrews) was totally familiar with the Law of Moses, sacrificial systems, temple worship and even the role of the priest before God.

God Is Still Speaking

November 21, 2021 • Pastor Jeff Cramer • Hebrews 1:1–3

Jewish followers had stepped out of Judaism into Christianity BUT were changing their mind in order to escape persecution. That's why I've titled our study series: “Strengthening Faith in Hard Times." Hebrews is aimed at strengthening faith to avoid going back OR falling into a spiritual standstill. Paul's appeal is based on the superiority of Christ over Judaism’s system of Law. Point being, everything is better with Jesus, so don’t go back!

Greater Than Angels

November 28, 2021 • Pastor Jeff Cramer • Hebrews 1:4–14

The book of Hebrews is aimed at strengthening the faith of the Hebrew-Christian’s in Rome who were going back to Judaism because of the discomfort of persecution. Many of the Hebrew-believers were drifting into a spiritual standstill by neglecting regular worship services (Heb. 10:25) NLT. This is a great lesson for all of us and a wonderful reminder to guard this in our lives AND a teaching moment for our kids. Today, Paul makes some statements in these verses about the angels, so let’s consider some general truths about angels.

The Guardrails of God

December 5, 2021 • Pastor Jeff Cramer • Hebrews 2:1–4

Today, we will see the first of five warnings in the book of Hebrews. Take note of the progression of these warnings: 1. Drifting from the word (2:1-4) 2. Doubting the word (3:7 – 4:13) 3. Dullness to the word (5:11 – 6:20) 4. Despising the word (10:26-39) 5. Defying the word (12:14-29) These are progressive signs of decaying faith. They’re indicators of a toxic-spiritual-life which devastates a person with unnecessary scars! (Pain that could be easily avoided.) Paul is just pointing out that the problem isn’t a lack of knowledge but rather a tendency to let the constant distractions water down Christian convictions!