
The Big Picture

Revelation 5:1-14

February 26, 2020 • Pastor Jeff Cramer

The book of Revelation was given to the 1st Century Church while they were going thru persecution! This prophecy was meant to build them up in order to help them finish their race faithfully! So too, God blesses those who listen to it & obey the words of the message.
Tonight we get one last glimpse in heaven before the Tribulation Period begins! In Revelation Chapter #5 we see the church in heaven witnessing Jesus taking possession of the title deed to earth. The scene here is pictured in part back in (Dan. 7:13-14) NLT This is Jesus taking possession of the Earth where He will set up His rule and wipe out all rebellion!

Unveiling The Future

September 18, 2019 • Pastor Jeff Cramer

When we know the central theme of Revelation is the Unveiling of Jesus Christ He brings joy/hope to those that will accept it to those that will read it / hear it / & keep it (v.3). Revelation is a prophecy (it makes specific predicts of the future); And when God talks about the future he speaks with certainty & He’s NOT guessing!

Come And See, Go And Tell

September 25, 2019 • Pastor Jeff Cramer

Last week I covered the intro to the book of Revelation and explained the flow (past / present / future) with some different ways it’s been interpreted. I shared that we’ll approach this book in a literal sense looking toward the future as prophetic events are unfolded. I should add the Futuristic approach is held by a vast majority of scholars and even Church fathers. The Apostle John writes 65-years after the death of Christ (A.D. 95). John was imprisoned on the Island of Patmos where he had been sent to die. This was after authorities tried to kill him by boiling him in oil, but it didn’t work. Yet through these harsh experiences John didn’t get bitter it actually created a deeper love for people.

Letters From The End of The World

October 2, 2019 • Pastor Jeff Cramer

There are seasons where God strips away life as we know it to get us alone with Him because He has more to say to us. Even when He leads me into a valley I can’t see thru. John uses the words – Patience endurance (NLT), describing a person who counted the cost and decided to remain faithful no matter what the outcome was!