
Stay Alert For The Signs

Jude 5-13

August 1, 2021 • Pastor Jeff Cramer • Jude 5–13

As we continue our study on apostasy AND Combating Cultural Christianity within the church. Please don’t forget the introductory study and the lessons from last week that laid the foundation! We learned as Jude exhorted us to contend for the faith by protecting the historical doctrines of the church. We learned to avoid TWO common pitfalls:

#1) The trap of love without truth = Hyper-grace – an abuse of Jesus’ death.
#2) Tolerance without limits = Compromise thru the twisting of historical doctrines.

And our big takeaway was to recall the error of the Church in Laodicea (Rev. 3:14) when the will of the people over-ruled the will of Christ!

Surviving Apostasy

September 12, 2021 • Pastor Jeff Cramer • Jude 14–25

As we've learned, the Church is living in the “Last Days” of God’s redemptive plan and navigating faith issues in a hostile world is difficult. Jude was moved by the Holy Spirit to speak up about the crisis IN the church, and he exhorted the people of God to “contend for the faith” (v.3). Literally, to struggle as a combatant in order to assert truth! The church was NOT to run from the assault! They were to fight back by staying grounded in truth. Today we look at the assaults from heretical teachers & leaders, and how to survive them as a faithful Christ follower.

Recognizing The Battle Lines

July 25, 2021 • Pastor Jeff Cramer • Jude 1–4

The Church is living in the “Last Days” of God’s redemptive plan and we need tools to understand when to fight & when to be passive! The sin in today's church abounds thru an offering of love… without truth, (It’s a prostituted grace) it abounds in offering tolerance… without limits, (If it’s offensive we steer away from it). Good people within the body of Christ have become susceptible to the trickery of Satan by embracing the cultural banner of wokeness! Meanwhile simple minded believers are getting pummeled in a world of contention and spiritual confusion! The Epistle of Jude exhorts the church to fight / to struggle / to contend for the faith!