
Faith & Obedience

Genesis 35

February 28, 2024 • Pastor Jeff Cramer • Genesis 35

Jacob is being called to new steps of faith and we witness that these steps of faith bring new problems & trails into his life. After his sons, Simeon & Levi take revenge upon a whole city, Jacob is driven right back into a place of fear & panic. Right in the middle of this chaos, God speaks to Jacob directing him back to Bethel, a place of worhip and hearing the voice of God. Part of maturing as a Christian is learning that my prayers are not always for getting out of something, but rather asking for understanding in the middle of our difficulty. This is how God grows us in faith & obedience!

More from Genesis

The Time is at Hand

May 29, 2024 • Pastor Jeff Cramer

Tonight we conclude the final three-chapters in Genesis by looking at the truths woven into these chapters. When we live out biblical truths, church doctrines should impact our nations values. When we neglect or reject the truths of God, each person conducts their lives with a subjective right & wrong. As followers of Jesus we’re to instill faith into our children. Genesis closes with the death of two key patriarchs. The father of the 12-tribes, Jacob, and Joseph who carried the promises of God forward.

By Faith We Live

May 22, 2024 • Pastor Jeff Cramer

Jacob’s family (Israel) is on the move & headed to Egypt. This first chapter communicates to us the family-line of Israel which came out of Jacob and thru his four wives. Chapters 29, 30, 35, and 46 explain these details. Jacob is a man who wrestled with fear most of his adult life and is on the move again at 130-years old. Now, he’s is forced to leave home again because of the devastation of the ongoing famine. He’s to remember that God is with him!

Healing Happens In Phases

May 15, 2024 • Pastor Jeff Cramer

The story line is tapering down in Genesis, but healing is still needed in the family among the Patriarchs before the next sequence of history surfaces. Famine is happening, Josephs brothers come to Egypt for food & return home. But Simeon is held in prison until the youngest brother Benjamin is brought back. Their father, Jacob, still back at home is mad at his sons.