
Denver Rescue Mission Outreach

Serving those in need

June 17, 2023
6:30 - 8:30am
Registration is full

Opportunity to serve Breakfast Meal Service at Lawrence Street Community Center. A few important notes: Age Requirements: This opportunity has a minimum age of 14 years old for safety reasons. Anyone ages 14-17 must be accompanied by someone 18 or older. Please do not bring family members or guests who are under 14. Dress Code: Please dress in a manner that is modest and appropriate for working. Please refrain from wearing opened toe shoes, tank-tops, midriff tops, short shorts, and any clothing that is: tight, low-cut, or has controversial imprints. If you are dressed inappropriately, you may be asked to reschedule. A tip for kitchen volunteers: If you wear a hat (and a pony tail for long hair), you will not be required to wear a hairnet.