
Growing In Silence & Solitude

April 28, 2024 • Brian Offutt • Luke 5:15–16, Mark 1:35

How would you describe your prayer life? Consistent? Inconsistent? Regular rhythms or a bit sporadic? Non-existent? If our prayer life is anything like mine, it probably has ups and downs. In other words, there are times (seasons) when our prayer life is “better” or “stronger,” and then there are times when it’s a bit more “anemic.” Our relationship with God can be described as “peaks” and “valleys.” Well, regardless of where you are in your current “walk,” we can certainly all grow in this area of developing a better prayer life. we will be talking about the connection between developing emotionally healthy spirituality and our prayer life. Ultimately, prayer is about spending time with God, spending time in His presence in order to be with Him, and being transformed by His presence. 

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