
1 Corinthians

Words of Peace for a People at War

The Last Word: Love as Christ has Loved You

December 2, 2018

In today's message we look at Paul's conclusion to his first letter to the Corinthians. We will consider how he sums up the central lesson of the book, the practical way forward, and what it looks like to grow up into a God-glorifying church.

Gospel-Empowered Generosity

November 25, 2018 • Jason Trapp

The gospel has given us the greatest http://treasure...jesus Himself! This gospel empowers us to give generously because we have a generous God who has freely given to us. Paul's principles for giving are founded not in law, but in the story of redemption that underlies the entire letter "you were bought with a price".

The Final Victory of Christ

November 11, 2018

In today's message we look at what Paul has to say about how we are made fit for glory, what happens when that glory comes and what the promise of these coming realities creates in the church.

Resurrection Glory!

October 28, 2018

In today's passage we examine why resurrection skepticism is unnecessary. We will discuss why resurrection is especially not a problem for the Christian, what resurrection bodies are like and what resurrection glory will be like.

What Matters for Eternity

October 21, 2018

In today's passage we look at four ways the reality of resurrection will dramatically effect the present. We will see that resurrection hope is an unyielding source of power for conversion, self-denial, self-control, and knowing God.

Resurrection Realities: Now and Not Yet

September 9, 2018 • Brad Mortenson

The realities of the resurrection of Jesus in the past and the resurrection of believers in the future has everything to do with how we live in a broken world in the present. This sermon examines how the now and not yet of the resurrection frees us and compels us to live a life of hope in this broken world.

Embracing Resurrection Realities

September 2, 2018

In todays message we walk with Paul down a path of darkness into a world where the resurrection of the dead doesn't happen. As we go, we explore the Corinthian's confusion surrounding the issue of resurrection, the implications if they are right, the contrary implications of the truth, and how Paul's message applies to 21st century Christians.

The Centrality of the Gospel

August 26, 2018

In today's passage, we look at why, and how, the gospel is central for all of life. As we unpack the text, we consider carefully what Paul means when he says the gospel is of first importance, why its realities are all consuming, and what kind of power is derived from believing its promises.

Gifted for Glory

August 19, 2018

In today's passage we look at Paul's concluding statements about the use of the spiritual gifts in Christian worship. We will consider how he commands the gifts to be used, who they are intended to glorify, where authority is located in the local church, and how these things apply individually and corporately.

Gifted for Others

August 12, 2018 • Brad Mortenson

Our wants and desires -- even for good things -- can harm God's people and turn away people who need to know Jesus. The Corinthians church had this problem in many aspects of their worship, including their view of spiritual gifts. This sermon is a call to help you honestly consider if there are demands in your own worship and how a demand for good things might actually harm the work of God in the midst of the local church.

Gifted for Love

August 5, 2018

In today's message we look at what Paul means by pursue love and earnestly desire to prophesy. We examine the nature of the New Testament gift of prophecy and consider what it means to obey this command. We then think critically about what is at the heart of Paul's concern and how walking in love helps us to deepen in our understanding of the gospel.

The Permanence and Personification of Love

July 29, 2018 • Jason Trapp

Paul shows that all gifts will cease to be needed and therefore cease to exist when Jesus comes back. But love remains. Jesus is the personification of love and teaches us to build up the church with love.

Real Love in a Fake Love World

July 22, 2018 • Brad Mortenson

The love we have for friends, family and our church can easily be a fake love. We easily say we love a person or a church, but then reveal the nature of those words in what we do when things get hard. 1 Corinthians 13 is a critical passage for every Christian who would love as Jesus loves as it gives a clear and compelling picture of what God honoring authentic love looks like in real life.

We Are The Body of Christ

July 15, 2018 • Dan Hall

God made each of believer a necessary and dependent parts of the body of Christ that we might live in unity with one another so pursue God’s gifts with zeal for the common good.

Living as the Body of Christ

July 8, 2018

In today's sermon we will explore what it means to be a member of Christ's church, and how the doctrine of church membership teaches us to think about ourselves and others for the glory of God.