

July 20, 2022 • Attorney Esther Valdes Clayton

Our immigration is not a cartel-Biden-Democratic-Republican problem. It is a judgment of America because of Roe.

62 Million abortions since Roe’s 1973 unconstitutional edict. 

This means we have about 62 million missing Americans.We also have about 62 million latinos who have immigrated into the USA.

Are latinos the problem? No! They are the natural advocates for the problems our Nation is facing.

Exodus example. When Jacob arrived in Egypt, he asked the Pharaoh to come into his home.In the same way, when latinos enter our nation, they present themselves to the Nation to be laborers and to serve the needs of the Nation.

What is happening at the border is lawless.

Biden has allowed 3.1 million illegal crossings.Over 700 children are entering … (daily?)

Is there a solution?

Yes, we can enter into a covenant with the Lord and repent.There is a revival occurring in the Latino community. Latinos are NOT afraid of the BLM/Marxist mobs.Latinos understand gender and refuse to bow.Latinos are in Church on Sundays in large numbers.

We must challenge sin and Latinos can lead.

The immigration laws should be enforced, but according to Biblical principles that are wise and actually work.

African Americans were the largest minority population. Now it is Latinos.

The genocide against the AfAm community (abortion), Latinos are now the largest minority population.

Latinos should take the same pledge as Ruth in the Bible.

The revival is occurring and Latinos are helping lead it!

Gaffney: Many of the illegal crossers are not Latinos seeking work, but are military age men by themselves from not just Central and South America, but from the Middle East and Asia.

Related biblical principles to consider:

Jeremiah 29:7 (Seek welfare of the city you are in)Deuteronomy 30:19 (Choose life)Deuteronomy 28:48-51 (Obey God or others will devour you)Genesis 50:20 (What you meant for evil, God meant for good in order to bring about this present result)Genesis 1:27 (All are created in the image of God and have worth)Numbers 15:16 (Laws apply equally for citizens and foreigners)Jeremiah 29:4-7 (Immigrants are to be productive)Matthew 22:39 (Love our neighbor as ourselves)Mark 3:27 (Not securing borders allows a nation to be plundered)Romans 13:3-4 (Everyone (including immigrants) are to obey the laws of the land they are in)2 Peter 2:22 (If a criminal in home country, why expect any difference here)Revelation 5:8-10 (God differentiates among peoples but doesn’t discriminate)

State of the Church

July 20, 2022 • Jim Garlow • Psalm 33:12

“Blessed is the Nation Whose God is the Lord.” (Psalm 33:12) To the extent a nation follows God’s Biblical Principles, we reduce human suffering. To the extent we defy God’s Biblical Principles, we increase human suffering. Therefore, a government that seeks to bless the people of the Nation will always apply Biblical Principles. This does not violate the Constitution because the Constitution only bars government establishments of religion (e.g., a requirement that citizens must be a member of a certain religion.) ➤  https://drive.google.com/file/d/1piacalbeiyja4rxdatsvxqpjzbb3kclm/view?usp=sharing

Sharing Your Faith in a Hostile Culture

July 20, 2022 • Barry Meguiar • Isaiah 43:10, James 1:6, Romans 8:28

In 1960, 70% of our population went to church.  In 2020, it was 20%. Biblical worldview: Only 50% of pastors believe itOnly 20% of churchgoers believe it The people in our Nation are mainly blind. They don’t see the evil. 90% are lost. Therefore, they are blind. We have the hope! 70% of Americans are living in fear.  The number is higher among Christians. Really?  Why?  It should not be when we live in faith. We should trust the Lord with our whole hearts. James 1:6 applies when we don’t do this because we are double-minded; we want to have faith, yet we give in to fear. This leads to unanswered prayer according to James 1:6. Over 80% of non-christians know a Christian they trust. Therefore, each can change our neighbor and it will change the world. Only 1% of us are sharing our faith. 90% are lost.   10% know God, and only 1% of 10% (0.1%) are sharing our faith. This is unbiblical disobedience to God. It is also selfish because we deprive the lost of the only true hope. Live for God’s purpose - Romans 8:28. We are all good, because we live for His purposes and He is good! How do we share our faith? Just love people and then follow the Holy Spirit to know what to say. It is that simple. Isaiah 43:10 - “Thus saith the Lord, I appoint you as My witness … so that you may know that I am God!” The joy of the Lord is our strength! Related Biblical principles to consider: Matthew 28:18-20 (Great Commission)Acts 1:7-8 (To the ends of the earth)Ephesians 5:11 (Expose evil)Colossians 2:20-23 (Be aware of false ideologies)Colossians 4:6 (Be gracious, seasoned with salt)James 1:19 (Be quick to listen, slow to speak)1 Peter 3:15 (Be prepared)2 Corinthians 4:4Proverbs 3:5John 4:35Luke 12:12 ➤  https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-v9idfb-wtlr1jbjfm0hezfjzka_oekj/view?usp=sharing

The Real Case for Marriage

July 20, 2022 • Jim Garlow • Genesis 1:27, Genesis 1:27–28, Genesis 2:18, Genesis 2:21–23, Genesis 2:24

Marriage was NOT an example from earth that God used to explain the relationship between Christ and the Church. It is the reverse. Marriage is a Heavenly principle that God allows us to understand on earth between a husband and a wife. Related Biblical principles to consider: John 10:30 (God as Father)Isaiah 66:13 (God, like a Mother)Ephesians 5:31-32 (Marriage of Christ and the Church)Revelation 19:6-9 (Marriage Feast of the Lamb)Genesis 1:27 (God created male and female only)Genesis 1:27-28 (Male and female together to multiply)Genesis 2:18,21-23 (God created woman)Genesis 2:24 (God defined marriage)Matthew 19:4-6 (Jesus defines marriage) ➤  https://drive.google.com/file/d/17tnci1pdfdrna94dsibbkulpowzkloqc/view?usp=sharing